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Improving Posture and Health: Pilates Exercises You Can Do at Home

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Improving Posture and Health: Pilates Exercises You Can Do at Home

Pilates: The Ideal Exercise to Correct Posture

To take care of your body’s health, it is important to have a good diet and complement it with some type of exercise. And if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer or in poor posture, pilates is the best option.

This exercise is known to be a favorite of many women and has too many benefits for all ages and genders. Furthermore, it is not necessary to go to a gym to do them. Here we teach you the best pose for you to do from the comfort of your home and recompose your posture.


Pilates: The Ideal Exercise to Correct Posture

The Pilates exercise that is very good for regenerating our spine and abdomen is “the saw”. Practicing this pose at home is very simple. You just have to follow the following steps:

To start the movement you have to sit on the pelvic bones, with a neutral back, legs extended and slightly wider than shoulder width. As a second step, you must extend your arms in a cross, with palms facing down, shoulders relaxed and scapulae active. At this point, your knees should be straight and your feet flexed. When we start the movement we must inhale and look for maximum torque without the pelvic bones lifting off the mat we have placed on the floor. When you exhale, you should flex with rounded back and projecting the top of the head forward and the navel inward and upward, always emptying the lungs. One hand looks for the opposite foot and is placed on the ankle as if trying to saw it, while the opposite arm seeks to extend backwards, with the little finger facing upward. Finally, go back to the beginning and the direction of what was done previously is changed. It is recommended to repeat this exercise 3 times on each side.

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The Benefits of Doing Pilates

Among the many positive aspects of this exercise, the considerable improvement in body posture stands out, since the spinal erectors and core are strengthened. But it also helps to gain flexibility, pelvic stability, and breathing.

In any case, it is always important to consult with a family doctor if it is possible to perform these types of exercises. Generally, people with herniated discs, lack of lumopelvic mobility, hip flexor problems, or pregnancy are not recommended.

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