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Insufficient Education and Public Awareness About Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Call to Action for Young Adults

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Insufficient Education and Public Awareness About Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Call to Action for Young Adults

Education and public awareness about rheumatoid arthritis are considered insufficient, especially among young people.

By: Jose Ibraim Alape

January 20, 2024

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation and destruction of the joints. It mainly affects women over 40 years old, but also young adults as well as people over 50 years old, without distinction of gender. There is no definitive cure, so its management requires routine care.

In an exclusive interview with Dr. Paloma Alejandro, a specialist in rheumatology, and her patient, the influencer Sabrina Rosado, for MSP Magazine, both highlighted the importance of an early diagnosis and the relevance of an effective doctor-patient relationship.

Testimony of Sabrina Rosado with rheumatoid arthritis

In 2019, Sabrina contracted a virus that triggered symptoms such as fever and loss of mobility in her hands. Although the treatment was initially successful and lasted three months, searching for other opinions took a year until she was finally able to find an effective approach with Dr. Paloma, who finally confirmed that it was rheumatoid arthritis.

“After my visit to the hospital and the decision to hospitalize myself, I was faced with a complicated scenario in which possible viruses were mentioned and, among them, I received a diagnosis of reactive arthritis. Although I managed to keep the fever under control, my body was still inflamed and I felt that it did not match the previous diagnosis when I consulted Dr. Paloma. This feeling prompted me to seek other second and third opinions. Finally, I reached Dr. Paloma, who concluded without a doubt that she had rheumatoid arthritis, and so we began treating her.” Sabrina stated.

Importance of education and public awareness about rheumatoid arthritis

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Both Sabrina and Dr. Paloma Alejandro highlight the lack of information and public awareness about rheumatoid arthritis, especially among young people who are at risk of suffering from it. Therefore, in the era of social media, both urge taking advantage of these tools to educate and support patients.

“The lack of information can generate anxiety in young patients with this condition, since they do not feel identified with others their age. Uncertainty is often more distressing than the diagnosis itself. In the era of social media, it is crucial to use these tools to convey educational messages and provide support to young patients,” said the rheumatology specialist.

Both highlight the importance of doctor-pacient relationship in rheumatoid arthritis, as it is key to effective management. Detecting the disease early, maintaining open communication and personalizing treatments are essential in the search for a full life despite this chronic condition.

The diagnosis process in rheumatoid arthritis

According to the above, Dr. Paloma highlights that: “The majority of patients seek help after a year, with symptoms that confuse even their primary doctors. The diagnosis is based on the clinical history, Physical exam and, sometimes, specific blood markers.

Thus, he mentions that the most effective approach for a rheumatologist is to take a complete medical history of the patient, have a detailed conversation with him, and carry out a thorough Physical exam. This strategy is decisive in 80% of cases to achieve an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment and long-term goals in rheumatoid arthritis

The goal of treatment is to achieve remission, where inflammatory attacks decrease, allowing a normal life. Sabrina, with proper treatment, leads a relatively ordinary life, although she recognizes the anxiety against possible relapses.

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“My lifestyle has evolved radically from before to today, and I now prioritize my Mental Wellness. I recognize the importance of taking care of my mental health, since in times of anxiety I used to experience inflammation. In addition, I have learned to rule out certain foods that cause inflammation and to value the importance of rest in my life.”

Dr. Paloma highlights the importance of general well-being, including an anti-inflammatory diet, alcohol reduction, and adequate exercise. For those who do not respond to conventional treatments, clinical trials with investigational medications are offered.

Challenges in the doctor-patient relationship and challenges in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

According to the specialist, “If a patient fails to achieve remission, there is a small percentage of 5% that does not respond to any medication. In these cases, we offer the opportunity to participate in clinical studies with innovative medications that have not yet been released to the market. , which can be the third treatment tool in case other approaches don’t work.”

It also mentions that, to ensure an effective visit, it is essential that the patient knows their body, is aware of their symptoms and has their laboratories updated. “We are committed to providing advanced, personalized options to improve the quality of life for our patients,” she said.

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