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Intimate hygiene, too many bidets hurt! The whole truth of this all-Italian habit and beyond ..

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How many bidets do you do a day? It is true that intimate hygiene is important but be careful not to make it become an obsession.

bidet – pixabay

From an early age we have been used to taking care of our body, you will surely still remember your mothers who, before going to sleep, ordered you to take a shower and brush your teeth, or to have a bidet, at any time of day, after having made the needs.

It has always been normal to wash, at all hours of the day from morning to night, especially when it came to private parts. With time the habits, or as mothers would say, the healthy habits, have not been lost, but now that you are grown up it is right that you know the truth. Today we dispel a myth, too many bidets hurt.

That’s right, washing too many times a day is bad, bad for your health, could lead to serious consequences. Do not be scared, there is a remedy for everything, let’s try to understand for which one reason it’s better limit bidets daily and above all we try to understand how many we can do per day.

Two bidets a day keep the doctor away

bidet - pixabay
bidet – pixabay

That’s right, you read that right. The perfect number to have good intimate hygiene is due. Of course, except in exceptional cases of special care with douching or menstruation for women.

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To understand why too many bidets per day they hurt, we must necessarily make a distinction between men and women, being anatomically different.

Feminine intimate hygiene. To have proper intimate hygiene it is important to limit daily washes, the maximum allowed are two washes, one in the morning and one in the evening. Frequent washing, especially if done with non-specific products, alters the pH of the vagina that allows the survival of the bacterial flora, that is the natural protection that fights infections and irritations.

In addition to washes, attention should be paid to how to wash. Unlike males, women have a very narrow space between the vagina and the anus and therefore it is easy to contract infections. It is important not to fill the bidet with water but to wash under a running jet, with precise movements, that is from front to back and not vice versa (same mechanism as when cleaning with toilet paper after the need). It is very important not to carry the gut germs to the vulva and urethra. After completing the wash, the area must be thoroughly dried, if possible also with a jet of warm air. The water with the briefs form an optimal environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

To avoid unpleasant situations, buy a detergent suitable for your age and your needs, if you have any doubts, contact a specialist. However, keep in mind that the vaginal pH fluctuates between 4,5 e 5, so stick to this range if you buy a cleaner yourself.

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During the period It is a good idea to wash at each change of absorbent up to a maximum of four times a day and use a pH 4 detergent. sexual intercourse it is good to wash the private parts as it is indicated to urinate, to avoid the proliferation of bacteria.

bidet - pixabay
bidet – pixabay

Male intimate hygiene. For little boys life is a little easier, even in this case you can run maximum two washes a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, to prevent the pH from altering and the bacterial flora not to perform its functions naturally. A specific neutral cleanser for the male organ is recommended. The cleaning of the genital area must be done correctly, that is, starting from the foreskin sliding up to the balano-preputial groove, trying to remove any accumulation of secretions. Also for boys it is important to wash before and after sexual intercourse in order not to contract infections of any kind.

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