Home » Is eating oranges good for health? Here’s what the expert says

Is eating oranges good for health? Here’s what the expert says

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L’orange it is a very widespread fruit and available from December to April. There are many qualities, all with different characteristics, but which are united by one great value: they are true well-being concentrate.

It is well known that the orange is an invaluable source of vitamin C ma what is less known is that there are also other important substances inside it, such as the magnesium, considered precious for maintaining the functionality of the heart muscle, a true panacea for the nervous system; The potassiumuseful for blood circulation and seleniumuseful for defense against the attack of free radicals.

The orange peel instead it is rich in peptin, or a particular substance that stimulates the sense of satiety and which can be invaluable for all those people who follow a low-calorie diet. ORIn addition to being the basis of many drinks, the orange is used to prepare sweet and savory recipes, together with liqueurs and tasty orange jams.

Made up of almost 90 percent water, oranges have very few calories but are instead rich in minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium and above all they are a mine of vitamin C: it has multiple beneficial properties on the organism as it strengthens the immune system against i virus and bacteria, preventing the onset of cardiovascular disorders, fighting the activity of free radicals and improving iron absorption.

In order to make the most of the many benefits of vitamin C contained in the oranges however, it would be better not to eliminate the white part found under the peel (and I know it can be annoying in our eyes) because it contains a substance which favors itsassimilation.

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It didn’t end there though. Oranges, thanks to their composition, are also very useful againstacne and the various impurities of the skin and it is possible to use it by combining half a glass of orange juice to half a lemon juice with a couple of chopped mint leaves, mix well and apply the solution on the face with a cotton ball. Leave it on for one thirty minutes and then rinse with cold water.

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