Home » «Isola dei Famosi», the king is Marco Mazzoli, the «father» of the Zoo of 105- breaking latest news

«Isola dei Famosi», the king is Marco Mazzoli, the «father» of the Zoo of 105- breaking latest news

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«Isola dei Famosi», the king is Marco Mazzoli, the «father» of the Zoo of 105- breaking latest news

«L’isola dei Famosi» 2023 has crowned its winner: after ten episodes, Marco Mazzoli, the father of the 105 Zoo, triumphs over the shipwrecked crew of Honduras. A victory foretold, given that he has always been among the competitors most loved of this edition. Second place went to Nip (Not Important People, not famous; ed) Luca Vetrone, third to former rugby player Andrea Lo Cicero. Only fourth is Pamela Camassa, with great Instagram controversy from her partner Filippo Bisciglia (in a video, later removed, she said: «The whole Zoo is deciding»).

“I want to thank everyone because I was really terrible. Thanks also to Celeste, the head of the authors who believed in me and wanted me here from the first moment. First of all, I dedicate the victory to Paolo Noise because I promised him, to the listeners of the 105 Zoo that he is the thing I love most in the world after my wife and a person called Chico Forti who was inside me when I didn’t have it i did more. Chico has been in prison wrongfully for 24 years with no release date. Thanks Chico, I can’t wait to come back to see you», these are Mazzoli’s first words at the time of the announcement.

Dragged into the reality show by his lifelong friend and colleague Paolo Noise, who later retired due to illness, Mazzoli, 50, has shown that he is not just the terrible rogue that all the Zoo’s loyal listeners have loved for decades. As a stranded among the coconut palms, he also brought out a big heart. First of all, towards his wife Stefania for whose absence he has cried on more than one occasion. In total, the evil host broke down in tears five times during the reality show.

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«I feel that something has really changed in me, the cynical Mazzoli of the radio has been shelved – even if that doesn’t mean he’s dead, mind you. Here a more human side of me emerged that perhaps only my mother, father and wife knew. This thing embarrasses me a lot, but perhaps it will determine my victory», said Mazzoli a few minutes before the final victory and the last surprise: the arrival in Honduras of his wife Stefania. The speaker has promised to marry her «properly» once he is repatriated. To date, the two are linked by a sad civil ceremony in Miami “celebrated” in a hurry next to an elderly man who was contesting a fine.

«I can’t wait to go and eat our square pizza with Stefania in the little place that we like so much. That pizza sucks but now it’s an almost romantic tradition of ours. When we get home late from work, we eat this American filth and even pretend it’s good». Mazzoli read a long message from Stefania and was moved again, before her wife reappeared on the beach by surprise. From this emotional moment, we learn that she nicknames him “Bubu” (while her father calls him “Bean”). A career as a “villain” completely demolished, but the Island finally has its king.

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