Home » Justice, Nordio defends the reform and attacks the judges: “They can’t criticize, it’s an interference”

Justice, Nordio defends the reform and attacks the judges: “They can’t criticize, it’s an interference”

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Justice, Nordio defends the reform and attacks the judges: “They can’t criticize, it’s an interference”

“It is pathological that in Italy politics has very often succumbed to the pressures of the judiciary on the formation of laws. This is unacceptable. The magistrate cannot criticize the laws, like the politician the sentences”. It’s a tough attack, that of the Keeper of the Seals Charles Nordio. An invective directed against the judiciary, guilty of having criticized the justice package that the minister will bring to the Council of Ministers today. “We listen to everyone, but the government proposes and the parliament disposes. This is democracy and no interference is allowed”, he said when interviewed by Skytg24. It’s a “partial” package at the moment, he added. And which for now will consist of four key elements: the stop to the crime of abuse of office, the tightening on wiretapping, that on pre-trial detention and the unappealability of sentences.

On the first point Nordio is categorical. He claims: “The crime of abuse of office has been modified several times to limit its limits, but entries in the register of suspects and guarantee information continued which constituted the real reason for the fear of signing for which mayors and administrators did not sign anything and this is a great economic damage that is poured on the citizens”. And comes the attack aimed at the judiciary. Or rather: against the prosecutor Nicola Gratteri who had criticized the stop to abuse of office: “I am surprised that a magistrate speaks of a spy crime and admits that this crime was useless, because there were very few convictions. I would like to teach this colleague that there is a crime it is or it is not, one cannot search in trawl”.

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As regards the wiretapping chapter, the minister explains that “intervention will be made to protect the dignity and honor of people who are involved without knowing it and without being interested in wiretapping”. And again: “We now needed to bring a guarantee orientation package, the discipline of interceptions will be radically changed when the new code of criminal procedure intervenes”. The measures in question are just a taste, it is the sense of reasoning. The minister also said he “regret” the fact that Silvio Berlusconi cannot “attend the first step towards a radical reform in the sense of guarantee”.

Today’s ok, therefore, will be a sort of tribute to the Knight. Still on the political front, Nordio collects the opening of a piece of the opposition. “It is a reform to be supported,” says the senator of Italia Viva Ivan Scalfarotto. “Starting from the repeal of the crime of abuse of office, a crime that has affected many mayors and which has slowed down their activities in our administrations for fear of prosecution”. The leader of Action is also on the same line Charles Calenda who, also interviewed by Skytg24, he says: “I’m not voting for a bill because it’s a tribute to Berlusconi. With all due respect to Berlusconi, yesterday I was also at the funeral. But our justice manager had presented a similar bill in recent days”. A statement, that of the leader of Azione, which heralds the yes to the package wanted by Nordio

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