Home » Kataleya disappeared in Florence, the clearance of the former Astor hotel is underway

Kataleya disappeared in Florence, the clearance of the former Astor hotel is underway

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Kataleya disappeared in Florence, the clearance of the former Astor hotel is underway

The police forces are clearing out the former Astor hotel in via Maragliano in Florence from where a little girl has been missing for a week. Numerous law enforcement agencies are on site, including the police, carabinieri, financial police and municipal authorities. The stretch of road overlooked by the former hotel and the side street, via Boccherini, are blocked to traffic. The building had been occupied last September, mostly families of Peruvian and Romanian origin live there. Meanwhile, yesterday the carabinieri brought two women who live at the Astor hotel to testify in the case of Mia Kataleya Alvarez Chicillo, the missing girl in Florence.

I testified

In the evening, a third person was also accompanied to the prosecutor’s office and heard as a person informed about the facts. The circumstance, together with the search of a garage, is the only novelty to emerge from the investigations. Together with the descent into the field of the Ros, who will use their investigative techniques to solve the case. For which the parents’ DNA was also taken, in addition to that of the child through the seizure of a toothbrush. And while her father Miguel Angel Romero went to look for her in a Roma camp, the track favored by the investigators of the Florence DDA remains that of kidnapping for the purpose of extortion. At the moment.

“A North African who molests children”

Meanwhile, however, the violent crime department of the Ros is at work in the investigation. The inspected garage is an abandoned and occupied box, sometimes also used for drugs. One of the two women heard instead would have spoken of “a North African who molests children” who would be around the facility. In the meantime, a medium even came forward yesterday, but he didn’t get any results. And a detective hired by the family said that Katheryna, Kataleya’s mother, received a phone call in which the anguished crying of a boy or girl was heard. The woman felt bad. While talking about a mythomaniac. Meanwhile, General Luciano Garofalo will be a consultant to Kata’s family. Prosecutor Christine Von Borries instead assigned geneticist Ugo Ricci the task of extracting the DNA from the toothbrush.

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The puzzle of the cameras

Today has been exactly one week since Kataleya disappeared. And the investigators are also wondering about the puzzle of the cameras. None of those active in the area framed the girl outside the Astor hotel. She resumed that bet on the entrance, but on that occasion the little girl undoubtedly returned to the hotel. Then nothing else. Just as all the reports about the little girl in the city or even outside have turned out to be false. The hypothesis of the investigators is that the kidnappers used one of the secondary exits with respect to the gate in via Boccherini to get the child out. But the fact is that from the cameras and the testimonies collected there is no proof that Kataleya has left the building.

Where was Kataleya abducted?

The intersection of testimonies and images indicate the back yard as the site of the kidnapping. It is a space that borders the apartment building next door. While the hypothesis of an escape from the main entrance seems to be rejected. Because to get there you have to go through the hotel. Then it’s dark from here. Either the child was loaded into a car not noticed by the condominiums or the escape was initially on foot. But either we go back to via Boccherini, where there are cameras, even private ones, or a wall between the courtyard behind the buildings was climbed over, hoisting the little girl.

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