Home » Lemons alert 🍋 pay attention to this detail when buying them if you do not want to take risks for your health! 🙄

Lemons alert 🍋 pay attention to this detail when buying them if you do not want to take risks for your health! 🙄

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Lemons alert 🍋 pay attention to this detail when buying them if you do not want to take risks for your health!  🙄

Pay attention to the choice of lemons. Some could seriously harm your health. Let’s find out what they are together.

We all buy lemons at the supermarket or from our trusted greengrocer but often we don’t pay attention to type of lemons that we choose to buy. In fact, as you can imagine, they are not all the same. Some may not be of very good quality or worse, contain some harmful substances.

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For this reason, the advice of the experts is to always read the label, not only of the lemons, but of all the fruits and vegetables that you decide to buy. This time, however, we want to focus on lemons. Below you will find all necessary information to choose the best ones, especially for your health.

What are the best lemons?

By going to the supermarket you have probably already unknowingly noticed a type of lemons that could be extremely toxic. In fact, it is difficult to always be able to buy gods products of excellent quality although many of us pay special attention to everything we decide to take home.

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But how do we for example distinguish this variety of lemons from all the others? First of all we want to tell you that it is not easy to succeed, especially since this particular citrus fruit always has a bright color and a peel free from bruises. But if you look at it more closely you will notice some substantial differences. Companies are very good at hiding them, plus they have the law on their side. Just include some information on the label to avoid any liability.

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The lemons in question will carry over the wording ‘inedible’ or ‘inedible’ in their label. This means they could include highly toxic substances. In fact, this type of citrus is treated with chemicals and harmful products, making the peel inedible. These substances are used by farmers to keep lemons beautiful, and therefore more attractive to customers.

These substances, however, often and willingly not only remain on the skin but also extend inside, going to compromise the pulp. Therefore, the danger remains, even if the peel is discarded. Washing is not enough to get rid of the harmfulness of these lemons. However, many Italians are attracted to this type of citrus fruit because it is cheaper as it comes from other countries.

At this point how should we behave? The expert advice is to avoid buying lemons that have ‘inedible’ on the label. Not only that, they also suggest not to buy citrus fruits that are perfect, shiny and free of dents. Even if they are cheap may present other dangers for our health. As you can imagine, high quality products are more expensive but by choosing them you will be sure not to compromise your health.

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