Home » Libertarian Deputy Lilia Lemoine Attacked in Villa Urquiza: “It’s Good That They Are Afraid” – Responds to Incident on Social Media

Libertarian Deputy Lilia Lemoine Attacked in Villa Urquiza: “It’s Good That They Are Afraid” – Responds to Incident on Social Media

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Libertarian Deputy Lilia Lemoine Attacked in Villa Urquiza: “It’s Good That They Are Afraid” – Responds to Incident on Social Media

Libertarian legislator Lilia Lemoine reported being attacked in the Villa Urquiza neighborhood after a couple approached her on the street, scolded her, and snatched her cell phone. The incident occurred on Saturday while Lemoine was walking along Nahuel Huapi Street at 5200. She attempted to record the attack but the couple grabbed her arm and took her phone. Lemoine received medical assistance at Pirovano hospital for a trauma to her right wrist.

According to the police report, Lemoine was insulted “due to his political origin” and was reprimanded for the Decree of Necessity and Urgency announced by the President last Wednesday. The City Police stated they received a 911 call reporting the incident with Deputy Lemoine.

The libertarian deputy shared details of the attack on social media, also addressing the incident with a reference to violence, saying, “Nothing justifies violence.” Lemoine further discussed the case, noting that the aggressors will be found due to the evidence retrieved from her damaged cell phone.

The incident is being treated as threats and damage, and Lemoine vowed to recover the footage from her phone to assist in the investigation. She also called the attackers “cowards” and emphasized that violence and threats are not justifiable, closing with a quote from Jose de San Martin: “Let’s be free, the rest doesn’t matter.”

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