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Liver disease: Every fifth child is affected

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Liver disease: Every fifth child is affected

Liver disease in children is more common than previously thought. One in five children in Europe is affected, the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) announced ahead of its congress on the subject. Early detection of rare liver diseases such as biliary atresia can prevent the need for liver transplants, experts say.

In Austria and Germany alone, 150 children need a liver transplant every year. The ESPGHAN Congress, which will take place from May 17th to 20th at the Austria Center Vienna, will focus on advances in transplantation medicine, the future of gene therapies and the role of nutrition and preventive medical check-ups with regard to gastrointestinal and liver diseases in children and adolescents .

A quarter of all children and young people in Europe are overweight. This is often associated with the development of fatty liver. ‘Most of the time these are mild forms of fat accumulation, but it can also lead to serious, degenerative changes in the liver. In rare cases, the damage can become so severe that a liver transplant may be necessary around the age of 20,’ explained ESPGHAN President Ulrich Baumann. The more that can be counteracted in advance with a healthy and balanced diet, the better. Other liver diseases in children and adolescents are increasingly among the rare diseases and often have genetic causes.

Parents can donate liver

Overall, half of the children and adolescents who need a liver transplant are younger than two years. Using the so-called split technique, parents or close relatives can donate part of their own liver to the affected child. In order to improve the prospects for children with liver diseases, further research is being carried out into drug development.


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