Home » Losing weight doesn’t work: These seven diet tricks don’t work

Losing weight doesn’t work: These seven diet tricks don’t work

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Losing weight doesn’t work: These seven diet tricks don’t work

There are many diet tips that promise weight loss – often in record time. The supposedly quick success is not only difficult to achieve, but often also unhealthy. Read here which tips you should better keep your hands off.

“Diets can’t deliver the long-term weight loss they promise. Instead, the yo-yo effect is often pre-programmed,” explains Jan Bahmann. He is a fitness consultant and has already coached more than 700 people to their feel-good weight.

Breakfast – not the most important meal of the day

It is often said that a hearty breakfast accelerates resting metabolism for the whole day. However, researchers have found that there is no significant difference in resting metabolic rate between test groups with and without breakfast.

It is therefore advisable to pay more attention to your own preferences when deciding for or against breakfast.

Do carbs before bed really make you fat?

It is a common misconception that carbohydrate-rich foods lead to weight gain in the evening because the metabolism then works more slowly during sleep. In fact, the activity of the metabolism during sleep depends on body weight.

A person who tends to be overweight often has a sluggish metabolism during sleep compared to a lean person.

As a result, the real problem with late night eating is that it can lead to unnecessary calorie intake, which is ultimately the cause of weight gain.

Stay away from detox diets

The idea of ​​detoxing is based on the premise that the liver and kidneys need help removing toxins from the body.

In reality, however, this is not the case: detox diets can lead to temporary weight loss by advising you to avoid many foods, but they also often lead to the dreaded yo-yo effect.

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Keto is not good if you want to lose fat

The keto diet is an extreme form of low-carb dieting that often results in rapid weight loss. However, this weight loss results primarily from dehydration and increased protein intake.

In contrast, intermittent fasting can also curb appetite without the same negative health effects.

Drinking a lot of water doesn’t automatically make you lose more weight

It is definitely recommended to replace high-calorie juices and sodas with water for a healthier fluid intake.

However, the liquid requirement of a person cannot be generalized and depends on various factors. It is therefore important that each person determines their fluid requirements individually.

Whole grain alone does not make you slim

Although whole grains are similar in calorie density to other grains, they are a healthier choice due to their higher concentration of micronutrients and fiber.

Whole grain products should therefore be integrated into a balanced diet. However, it is important to note that they alone are not enough to help you lose weight, but only play a role in weight loss when combined with a calorie-controlled diet and physical activity.

Avoid diet pills

There are many diet products on the market, such as apple cider vinegar, fat-loss teas, and herbal extracts. However, only prescription drugs have a proven effect on body weight.

However, these drugs have many side effects and should only be taken under medical supervision. Although over-the-counter preparations are not harmful, they also do not have a significant effect on body weight.

About Jan Bahmann

Jan Bahmann is a weight loss coach. Together with his team, he helps his customers lose weight in the long term and achieve their feel-good figure.

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The special feature: In addition to mere weight reduction, the focus of the coaching is above all the development of a new awareness of a healthy lifestyle – without major restrictions or sacrifices. More information at:

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