Home » Many do not know that this simple daily gesture could extend our life by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

Many do not know that this simple daily gesture could extend our life by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

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The heart and associated diseases are still the main cause of death and disability in Italy and beyond.

The onset of these problems can be linked to so-called “non-modifiable” and “modifiable” factors. The former concern characteristics that do not depend on our will, such as our genetic background or our age.

The modifiable factors, on the other hand, are those that affect our lifestyle. In fact, daily habits can have a profound effect on the health of our organism and, above all, of our heart.

The “healthy lifestyle”, always recommended by experts, is not just about not drinking or smoking. The quality of sleep, or the level of stress, also affects the health of our heart. In particular, however, there is another daily habit that could even reduce the risk of developing dangerous cardiovascular events. This is what we are talking about.

Many do not know that this simple daily gesture could extend our life by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

Nutrition is one of the fundamental factors for our health. More or less healthy foods can improve or worsen some characteristics present in our body.

We know, for example, that these 6 fish are a mine of omega 3 and would help counteract Alzheimer’s, dementia and high triglycerides. In general, however, the Mediterranean diet is the one most recommended by experts for the benefits it would bring to the body, but that’s not all.

Another important diet-related truth is about breakfast.

Be careful because this habit could improve the health of our heart

The Humanitas Research Hospital website highlights how important breakfast is for our health. This resulted from a 2018 American study of 5,000 people.

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From the observations it emerged that having breakfast would lead to a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular events.

Furthermore, this would also decrease the possibility of arteriosclerotic plaques forming on the carotid or coronary arteries. Despite this, many still do not know that this simple daily gesture could extend our life by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Other habits not to be underestimated

Remember that the quality of sleep would also have a great impact on cardiovascular health. In particular, sleeping less than 6 hours a night, or having poor sleep quality, would both increase the chance of developing adverse cardiovascular events.

Exercising on a regular basis is also important for warding off heart and other problems.

We also remember not to underestimate the typical signals that our body sends us. Chest pains, difficulty in breathing and palpitations are among the most frequent signs, which must be reported immediately to our doctor. Furthermore, we underline that among the alarm bells of a heart attack there is also this annoyance that we too often underestimate.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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