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Mascara smudged? Here’s how you can prevent it!

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Mascara smudged?  Here’s how you can prevent it!

Surely it has happened to you more than once that your mascara got smudged. And no matter what the reason – heat, rain or just spontaneous crying (believe us, it happens to everyone), it’s always annoying when you have to touch up your makeup in the middle of the day. But why mascara (even waterproof mascara) smudges and how to prevent it, find out in this article!

You leave the house with perfectly formed lashes and the right amount of black mascara, but when you look in the mirror over lunch, you realize your look is far from perfect. Your mascara is all run off, leaving you looking tired, unkempt, or at least like someone who had a few too many drinks yesterday. And while some brands promise smudge-free mascara, the problem isn’t with the mascara itself, it’s with your eyes. That’s why we’re sharing a few tricks to prevent your mascara from smudging.

Your mascara smudges – what are the causes

The true and main culprit of smudged mascara is not the mascara itself, but your over-moisturized eyelids. And before you fret over your eyelids, let us tell you that this is good news! Dehydrated eyelids are actually the cause of the first signs of aging around the eyes. And why? Because the skin on your eyelids is extremely thin and delicate with few oil glands. So when your lids don’t wick enough moisture, your skin dries out and wrinkles appear as a result.

Another possible reason why your mascara is smeared could be the formula. Or more specifically, the ingredients may not bond well with your lashes. Fortunately, we have a solution for both problems!

Is waterproof mascara smudge proof

Not necessarily. Waterproof mascara uses a blend of chemical ingredients to coat your lashes in a formula that’s harder to remove. In most cases, these chemicals are polymers and silicones (the same ingredients found in plastics). However, these waterproof formulas can still run if you have heavily moistened eyelids. So there’s no point in applying a waterproof formula that’s also bad for your lashes (we’ll tell you why in a moment).

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Waterproof mascaras are bad for your lashes as they are extremely drying and, over time, will cause them to become permanently weak and very likely to fall out. Therefore, if you need to use waterproof mascara from time to time, we recommend that you only apply a very thin layer of the product and then remove it with extreme caution. Never pull or scrub your lashes to remove the mascara.

How can you prevent mascara from smudging

Most ladies don’t realize that preparing the lashes – before applying the mascara – is of paramount importance. Follow these steps to apply mascara without smudging!

Curl eyelashes and use mascara foundation

Curl your eyelashes with a quality eyelash curler: How to prevent mascara from smudging under your eyes.

Use an eyelash primer: Once your lashes are curled, apply a mascara primer. Let this dry first before you apply the ink. What is the purpose of eyelash primer? It ensures that the ingredients in the mascara adhere better to your eyelashes. How is the mascara primer used? Apply a layer to the upper and lower lashes if you want to apply mascara to both lashes. If you only want to apply mascara to the upper lashes, one layer of foundation is sufficient.

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Apply mascara correctly and fix it

It’s time for the actual application of the mascara. As already mentioned, we recommend that you do not use waterproof mascara. Instead, opt for a mascara with a triple-fix formula that’s free of polymers and silicones. There are commercially available models that use natural ingredients that combine synergistically with your lashes and set them in place for the next 12 hours without harming you or the environment.

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Proper application of mascara: Some of those smudged mascara stains on your lids may be your fault. If you still apply the mascara on the back of your upper lashes, the stains will surely appear on your upper eyelid as well. Apply mascara only to the front of your upper lashes. If you find you need more than one layer, apply additional mascara only to the tips of the lashes and not the entire lash line.

For the lower lashes, you should not apply more than one layer. You don’t need extra volume under your eyes, and applying too much product can cause mascara crashes under your eyes.

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Keep your hands away from your face

Touching your face can easily soil your eye makeup. So if you need to wipe your eyes, use a handkerchief to put under your eyelashes. It’s important to develop this habit to keep your mascara from smudging.

We also advise you to gently wipe the area under your eyes regularly throughout the day. So you can protect your skin from excess oil and remove the mascara that has accumulated under your eyes.

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