Home » Massa, Giuseppe Conte attacked by a No vax in the square

Massa, Giuseppe Conte attacked by a No vax in the square

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The leader of the M5s Joseph Conte was assaulted in the square a Massa. The former prime minister, who arrived in Tuscany for an electoral event, began to greet the people who had gathered to listen to him. A No vaxGiulio Milani, 52 years old, publisher, approaching and pretending to want to shake his hand, hit in the facerailing against the containment measures taken by Conte to counter thecovid emergency. The attacker was removed by the police. “Dissent is legitimate, but this violent demonstration goes beyond the democratic context,” the pentastellato president later declared.

Photogallery – Giuseppe Conte attacked by a No vax in Tuscany

Giulio Milani, 52 years old, no vax publisher, is also a candidate for the next municipal elections for “Massa rises. Marco Lenzoni mayor”. He was taken to the police station to clarify his position. According to what has been learned, a complaint should be triggered against him for the hypotheses of beatings and for article 342 of the penal code, contempt of a political, administrative or judicial body.

When you assume a government responsibility
tough decisions are made in moments of great difficulty for the whole country, as happened during the pandemic. You cannot please everyone even though you work for the good of all. The gentleman who attacked me, who is a convinced No vax, demonstrated with his violent gesture that this type of drift is done by irresponsible people,” said Conte. “If we had followed their directions
we would probably be a completely destroyed community today“.

“I am sorry for what happened but above all what state of mind can one have who on the one hand has suffered an attack by a gentleman who decided to express his dissent in this way and on the other in a week must he explain to the judges that those restrictive measures were sufficient?” Conte said. ”
However, we must remain lucidi – he says – and keep your nerves because this is the task of those who assume public responsibilities. The point is, if anything, another: if all those who have different opinions reacted like that gentleman from Massa then
it would be chaos“.

Meloni: solidarity with Conte, dissent must be civil – “I express solidarity with the president of the M5s, Giuseppe Conte. All forms of violence must be condemned without hesitation. Dissent must be civil and respectful of individuals and political groups”. So the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni.

Salvini: “Solidarity with Conte, violence should not be tolerated” – X Gossip “Solidarity to Giuseppe Conte. Violence cannot be tolerated. Never”. So the deputy premier and minister Matteo Salvini.

Schlein: “Solidarity to Conte: violence is cowardice” – “I am close to Giuseppe Conte and I express my solidarity with him and that of the entire Democratic Party community for the aggression suffered in Tuscany. Using violence, one’s reasons are not asserted, only one’s cowardice”. This was stated by the secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein.

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