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Measles epidemic, the ISS infectious disease specialist: “A disease that can be lethal. In the first 3 months of 2024 cases quintupled compared to the whole of 2023”

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Measles epidemic, the ISS infectious disease specialist: “A disease that can be lethal. In the first 3 months of 2024 cases quintupled compared to the whole of 2023”

Measles on the Rise in Italy: A Call for Vaccination

In a recent statement, Dr. Antonietta Filia, a leading researcher in infectious diseases, emphasized the importance of measles vaccination in light of the recent surge in cases across Europe. With seven deaths reported in the European Union, including six in Romania and one in Ireland, the seriousness of the disease and the need for preventive measures are evident.

The bulletin issued by the Higher Institute of Health in Italy highlights a concerning trend: there have been 213 cases of measles since the beginning of the year, with over 88% of cases occurring in unvaccinated individuals. This represents a significant increase from previous years, with only 43 cases reported in 2023.

Despite the availability of the measles vaccine in Italy since 1976, vaccination coverage remains below the recommended threshold of 95% for two doses. The recent increase in cases is attributed to suboptimal vaccination coverage and imports of cases from regions with high virus circulation.

Infectious disease specialist, Dr. Bassetti, warns that the worst may be yet to come, citing the high contagiousness of measles and the seasonal nature of the virus. He urges healthcare workers to prioritize vaccination to prevent nosocomial transmission and protect vulnerable populations.

Complications from measles can be serious, with up to 30% of cases resulting in complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis. Hospitalization rates for measles cases in 2024 have been higher than expected, highlighting the need for improved surveillance and public health response.

The importance of vaccination in preventing measles cannot be overstated. With the potential for serious complications and even death, vaccination is essential to protect individuals of all ages. Strategies to address vaccine hesitancy and improve vaccination coverage are crucial in the ongoing fight against measles.

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As the median age of those infected with measles in Italy is 31 years old, it is clear that the impact of the disease extends beyond children. Addressing concerns related to vaccine safety, misinformation, and access will be key in achieving the necessary levels of immunity to control the spread of measles.

In conclusion, the recent rise in measles cases serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vaccination in preventing infectious diseases. By prioritizing vaccination efforts and addressing barriers to immunization, we can protect individuals and communities from the serious consequences of measles.

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