Home » Medical Student Sentenced to Prison for Fatal Liposuction Procedure in Restaurant

Medical Student Sentenced to Prison for Fatal Liposuction Procedure in Restaurant

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Medical Student Sentenced to Prison for Fatal Liposuction Procedure in Restaurant

A medical student who performed a clandestine liposuction procedure on a woman in a restaurant has been sentenced to three years in prison after the patient died during the surgery.

The tragic incident took place when the student, whose name has not been disclosed, attempted to perform the procedure on the woman in a makeshift operating room at the restaurant. The patient tragically passed away during the surgery, leading to the student being charged with involuntary manslaughter.

The news of this botched surgery shocked the community, with many expressing outrage over the student’s lack of qualifications and the dangerous conditions in which the procedure took place.

The student has since been sentenced to three years in prison for his role in the patient’s death. This case serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of undergoing medical procedures from unqualified practitioners in unsanitary conditions.

Authorities are urging individuals to always seek out licensed and experienced professionals when considering cosmetic procedures to avoid similar tragic outcomes.

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