Home » Memory problems, fatigue and difficulty losing weight could be due to the lack of this very important factor that many underestimate

Memory problems, fatigue and difficulty losing weight could be due to the lack of this very important factor that many underestimate

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Memory problems, fatigue and difficulty losing weight could be due to the lack of this very important factor that many underestimate

Memory lapses, continuous tiredness, exhaustion, difficulty in facing the days with energy. But problems with weight loss and visceral fat accumulation could also be caused by a common factor, lack of sleep. Lack of sleep is still very much underestimated today. Sometimes, in fact, sleep is almost considered a luxury.

In reality, sleep represents one of the fundamental factors for the psychophysical well-being of man. And its deficiency could create numerous damages and affect other processes, including hormonal ones.

Memory problems, fatigue and difficulty losing weight could be due to the lack of this very important factor that many underestimate

Often many people sacrifice hours of sleep to try not to miss anything during the day: time for work, for the family, for training and finally time for leisure, which very often is reduced to night hours. The same goes for shift workers, who often work at night depriving themselves of sleep.

Getting adequate sleep is essential for our health. In fact, not getting enough sleep would be one of the main causes of weight gain and the development of diseases, such as obesity and cardiovascular problems.

The experiment

To highlight the harmful effects of lack of sleep there is a recent study conducted on 20 healthy and normal weight people. These were divided into 2 groups. One group experienced 4 hours of sleep deprivation per night for 14 days. The other group, on the other hand, got the classic 8 hours of sleep a night.

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During the experiment, the sleep deprivation group was found to have increased calorie intake by about 300 kcal per day. And after 14 days the same people had gained about 1 kg in weight and above all the fat mass had increased. That mass linked to the development of diseases such as diabetes, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.

In contrast, the other group did not experience any weight or fat gain.

Lack of sleep, in fact, would cause an increase in the sense of hunger and would lead to an increase in the desire for hyper-processed foods with a consequent increase in visceral fat mass. Furthermore, it could generate problems such as lack of attention, short temper and memory problems. This would result from the alteration of hormones such as ghrelin, cortisol and leptin, all hormones capable of controlling hunger.

Here, then, why memory problems, fatigue and difficulty losing weight could be caused by a lack of sleep.

The advice is to sleep at least 7 hours a night and to avoid sleep deprivation as much as possible.

Recommended reading

To calm anxiety, panic attacks, depression and promote sleep, here is a very effective natural remedy to keep in the bedroom

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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