Home » Milan, the boom of hotels for cats (with kindergarten and gym): «Bedrooms sold out in August»

Milan, the boom of hotels for cats (with kindergarten and gym): «Bedrooms sold out in August»

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Milan, the boom of hotels for cats (with kindergarten and gym): «Bedrooms sold out in August»

Nico, a 7-year-old black and white cat weighing almost 10 kilos, is the hotel’s mascot: he acts as the concierge, when new guests arrive, he stands in front of his doghouse and checks on them. ‘At home he eats all day, here only twice. And then he does a lot of movement: when his vacation ends he’s in good shape ». Lele and Gaspare are two puppies who play from morning to night, chasing each other all day like crazy «Tireless and very nice, very funny». These are some of the guests of Albergatto, the new boarding house opened by Jessica Rovito and her partner Luigi Coletta in Cusano Milanino.

«Here we have had a grooming facility for 25 years, but we wanted to do something different: a new-concept boarding house for cats». Without cages. «The animals are free to move around and choose what to do once they have settled in». The entire space, measuring 100 m2, has been specially designed for them: each guest has his own little house with a personal litter box, bowls, kennel and a porthole to peek at what is happening outside. The introduction is gradual and natural: when the newcomer feels ready, he comes out of his house: «Generally it takes from 12 to 48 hours – explains Jessica – it depends on the character of each animal. Some are more shy, others enterprising».

In the open space there is a gym and a path on various levels. “Because cats need to climb and play. We pamper them and brush them, keep them tidy. And we are very attentive to nutrition, both in terms of quality and quantity. Many cats arrive overweight because perhaps they have little space at home to move around, which here, on the other hand, is not lacking». Albergatto, which can accommodate 30 animals, was inaugurated in April but has already won over a loyal clientele: «In August we are full, but there are still kennels available for July and September».

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In addition to the boarding service, there is also a daily asylum service: «For example, if someone has to move house or has some work done at home, they bring the cat here, which otherwise would be too stressed. We like to create a relationship of trust with the customer because pets are part of the family and we would like to be like a second home for them». Guests are always monitored, even at night, thanks to video cameras. «And every day we send the owners photos and videos, so they can see that they are well and spend their holidays in peace», concludes Jessica.

Also outside Milan, Micioland Resort was opened in San Giuliano Milanese three months ago. «We host a maximum of 20 cats», says the owner Elisa Rossi. «The cats are welcomed in the welcome house, wooden structures with litter, scratchers and everything you need. They stay here until they’re ready to go out and socialize, after about two days.”
In the city, however, in the Lorenteggio area, the Casa del Gatto was born last year, where each animal has a personal box, sanitized twice a day, with shelves, games, a house and for the more spoiled, baby suites are also available and suites. Among the services of this 5-star hotel there is also chromotherapy and aromatherapy which help the animals to relax and overcome the stress of being in an unfamiliar place. The owner Cosetta Bosi says: «There is a great demand and in fact in mid-July we will open a new structure near Abbiategrasso, with even larger and more luxurious spaces».

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