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Military Healthcare: The Crucial Role in Operations and Training for Combatant Wounded Care

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Military Healthcare: The Crucial Role in Operations and Training for Combatant Wounded Care

Military healthcare plays a crucial role in operations and all combatants are trained to care for the wounded in conflict. On November 12, 2023, the General Morillo de Figueirido base in Pontevedra, home to the Army’s Airtransportable Light Infantry Brigade, showcased the essential medical training needed by military personnel.

The base, commonly known as the Shining, hosts the Isabel La Católica infantry regiment number 29, where Nurse Captain Carlos Adarve Castillo, a specialist in emergencies and operations, instructs and practices Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC). This protocol, created by the United States Army, is now followed by all NATO troops, ensuring uniformity in treating combat casualties.

The Brilat clinical simulation center, named in honor of Corporal Idoia Rodríguez Buján, who tragically died in a mine explosion in Afghanistan in 2007, serves as the training ground for soldiers in TCCC. Through realistic simulations and scenario-based training, combatants are trained to handle critical injuries, such as exsanguinating hemorrhages and severe trauma caused by explosions and gunfire.

The training involves simulating the chaos and stress of a battlefield, helping soldiers recognize and respond to life-threatening emergencies in challenging environments. The use of blood-smelling pills to identify hemorrhages and bleeding control methods, including tourniquets and chest patches, are all part of the essential training provided to all military personnel.

Adarve details the March algorithm, which outlines the steps to be taken in treating casualties: massive hemorrhage control, airway management, respiration, circulation, and hypothermia prevention. These steps are crucial in stabilizing the injured and providing immediate lifesaving care until advanced medical assistance can be provided.

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The intensity of military healthcare training is reflective of the common emergency situations encountered during combat, with issues such as tension pneumothorax and exsanguinating hemorrhages being major concerns for military healthcare workers. The goal is to ensure that all personnel are equipped to handle these emergencies with standardized protocols and procedures.

Overall, the training provided at the General Morillo de Figueirido base exemplifies the significance of military healthcare in ensuring the well-being and survival of combatants in the field. The dedication and expertise of personnel like Captain Adarve are essential in preparing soldiers to effectively care for the wounded in high-pressure and challenging environments.

The efforts of military healthcare professionals serve as a crucial component in the overall success of military operations, ensuring that casualties receive the care they need to survive and recover from critical injuries sustained on the battlefield.

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