Home » Milk can be dangerous: absolutely check this thing before consuming it

Milk can be dangerous: absolutely check this thing before consuming it

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Milk can be dangerous: absolutely check this thing before consuming it

Milk is not always healthy. On the contrary: there are cases in which it can be lethal. Let’s see together what the experts say.

Before consuming milk or making it drink to your children, you must pay close attention to some factors. In this article we explain how to choose a good latte.

Milk is the first food with which human beings are nourished. Whether maternal or artificial, the baby eats only milk for the first six months of life. Even as adults, most people continue to drink milk, especially for breakfast in the morning. Doctors, moreover, recommend the regular consumption of milk and dairy products due to the high presence of protein, calcium and vitamin D: precious elements for bone health.

Apart from those who have opted for a vegan diet, everyone else continues to consume milk in the belief that it is one of the healthiest products in the world. But is it really so? Partly yes and partly no. Or rather: when we buy milk it is essential to pay attention to certain details because drinking the wrong milk can even lead to death. In Puglia, recently, a little girl died because of the milk.

Milk: that’s when you need to avoid it

Among the shelves of supermarkets, the choice is now really vast: whole, partially skimmed, totally skimmed, microfiltered, fresh, long-life milk. Even lactose-free milk has been created for those who are intolerant. Not to mention that, in recent years, goat’s milk, donkey’s milk and vegetable drinks reminiscent of milk such as soy, rice, oat, almond, coconut or hazelnut.

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In some cases the milk is harmful/Biopianeta.it

Whatever your preference, it’s important to always read the label carefully and make sure the milk has been pasteurized or sterilised. Consume raw milk – not subjected to any treatment- it is very dangerous. In Puglia in recent days three cases of children with an acute disease have been reported: Seu, hemolytic-uremic syndrome. A one-year-old girl died. The cases would all come from the Altamura area and, apparently, all three young patients had consumed raw milk which would have caused Seu, a bacterial infection that can also cause kidney failure and lead to death.

Raw milk – i.e. freshly milked and not subjected to any heat treatment – it can be rich in bacteria that are very dangerous for health of the human being. This kind of food is usually found in milk distributors scattered in some cities. Many buy it believing it’s a better product, richer in nutrients but they’re wrong. As the Ministry of Health points out, there are precise criteria and rules to guarantee compliance with health and hygiene standards and the wholesomeness of the milk. For this reason, raw milk labels must include the wording “to be consumed after boiling” and inform on the correct methods of consumption and conservation.

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