Home » Mitsotakis triumphs in Greece, he has an absolute majority

Mitsotakis triumphs in Greece, he has an absolute majority

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The conservative party of Nea Dimokratia triumphs in Greece and achieves the goal of an absolute majority. With now 90% of the votes counted, outgoing conservative premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis collects 40.52% of the votes and 158 of the 300 seats that make up Parliament. His main political rival, the left-wing Syriza party led by Alexis Tsipras, instead stops at 17.84%, gaining 47 seats. Followed by the socialists of Pasok with 11.96% of the votes and 32 seats and the communists of the Kke (7.61% of the preferences). “I strongly feel my duty towards the country”, commented Mitsotakis hotly. “I will be the prime minister of all Greeks, the major reforms will proceed rapidly”, he assured. The citizens called to the polls confirmed the verdict already issued in the elections of May 21, when the conservatives had won with 40% of the votes, doubling Syriza’s party, which stopped at 20%.

Meanwhile, in the evening, men with covered faces attacked the offices of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok) in Charilaou Trikoupis street, in the Athens neighborhood of Exarchia, known for its anarchist movements, with stones and Molotov cocktails. After the intervention of the riot police, the tension subsided. Kathimerini’s website reports it.

Greece, polling stations open for political elections

But the vote had been held with a different electoral system, a pure proportional system that had caused the Conservatives to lack an absolute majority by just a few seats. Thus Mitsotakis – counting on the majority premium for the first party foreseen by the new electoral law approved by himself – had decided not to undertake talks to form a coalition and had paved the way for a return to the polls. A gamble that ultimately paid off, despite the fact that the turnout has collapsed compared to May. Nea Dimokratia is not alone in celebrating the result. In fact, the presence of the extreme right is also strengthening in Parliament: the ‘Spartani’ party (Spartiates in Greek) has exceeded the threshold obtaining, according to data that is not yet definitive, 4.71% and 13 seats. An incredible achievement if one considers that the party was unknown until a few days ago, when it received the support of former Golden Dawn member Ilias Kasidiaris, currently in prison, where he is serving a 13-year sentence for having participated in a criminal association, i.e. the now dissolved neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.

“After a long time, a nationalist voice will be in Parliament,” party chairman Vassilis Stigas exulted, acknowledging that Kasidiaris’ support was “the fuel” for the success. The ‘Niki’ party (victory in Greek) also exceeds the threshold for the first time, with 3.73%. Led by a theology teacher, the party has made itself known for its xenophobic positions and is considered close to the conservative fringe of the Orthodox Church. Finally, another far-right formation known for its anti-migrant positions, ‘Greek Solution’, also confirms its presence in parliament, up 4.48% compared to 3.7% in 2019. Mera25, however, remains out. the party founded by former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. “Our non-entry is the least. The worst thing is the dirge of the left that has failed to prevent the transformation of anger into a far-right current,” Varoufakis commented disconsolately.

See also  here's what happened to him

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