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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

The new work “Monster Hunter Rise: Dawn/Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak” is an expansion pack for “Monster Hunter Rise” launched in 2021. The content is similar to the previous “G version”. Players will be able to challenge more and stronger monster variants and new Strange. This episode also introduces a lot of content that has appeared in previous works, including the Spinosaurus that appeared in the old map “Jungle Forest” and “Monster Hunter Frontier”, as well as the Kanban monsters “Black Eclipse Dragon” and “Tianhui” from “Monster Hunter 4″. Dragon” etc. The basic content of the game lasts for dozens of hours. The following will organize the full task unlocking and content unlocking process of the new area for you, so that you can understand the progress of the game.

Start – Shenhuo Village

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • Talk to Londini at the entrance of Shenhuo Village.

  • The assembly hall is temporarily switched to the main story content of “Monster Hunter Rise: Dawn”, and the seven-star emergency mission “Daimyo Crab” appears in the assembly hall.

  • With Master Galk in front of the gate. Talk to the dog and get the “Galke Item Bag” and “Gathering Mark”.

  • Perform and complete the “Daimyo Crab” 7-star emergency mission at the Gathering House.

  • Talk to Fiorini in front of the village gate and move to the kingdom stronghold “El Cardo” (can’t return to Shenhuo Village for now).

New Base “El Cardo” and M 1

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • Master Rank (MR) will be available after the story.

  • Talk to the Kingdom Knight Rukika to get the new costume “Kingdom Costume” for the Fufu Owl.

  • Talk to the owner of the processing shop to produce level 4 decorations and Bailong decorations.

  • Talk to the grocery store owner, you can purchase items to add “Life Dust”, LV2 poison bombs, paralysis bombs, sleep bombs, degassing bombs and recovery bombs.

  • Talk to the window of the temporary follower square, and the trading ship will start “private transaction”, so that the trading ship has a chance to obtain precious items.

  • Talk to Fran the Strong Hunter to get the Big Fly X6.

  • Talk to Instructor Arlo twice, automatically enter the arena mission, and learn new weapon exchange skills and “high-speed replacement” skills

  • After the experience high-speed replacement is completed, you can directly open the “Mission Completion” in the main menu to leave, or you can choose to knock down the blue bear beast in the field.

  • Talk to the receptionist Qi Jie, and then talk to the postman to switch between offline and online play.

  • Talk to the receptionist Qi Jie again to start accepting MR-level quests. In addition, players can also freely walk between Shenhuo Village and El Cardo.

  • After completing an M-level mission, there will be a new mission in the arena, a follower reconnaissance team will be added to the follower square, and the robot frog in the training ground will be improved.

  • After completing any 2 selected MR missions marked with a red star, an urgent mission to hunt “Kappa Frog” appears.

M ★1 mission

New Map: Jungle

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

The location of the sub-camp in the jungle is shown by the red circle in the picture.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

From zone 3 to the south, look for the hill to climb up, and you will see several golden butterflies that provide guild points to form an upward road. Climb up along this route to find the camp facilities.

The sub-camp is in the center of the map, go east from the main camp, follow the 9th area to the beach slightly north of the center of the map, search for the nearby cliffs, look for the golden butterfly that can provide hunter points to the top of the cliff, climb to the top and find it Cave, return to the village after triggering the plot, the grocery store owner will provide the task of opening the sub-camp (the content is to slay 8 shield crabs).

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M ★1 (two)

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • After completing the urgent task, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie, there will be multiple 1-star tasks added to the meeting place.

  • Talk to the owner of the tea shop, Red Bean, and the quest “Material Safety Restocking Scroll” has been added to the assembly hall. After completing it, you can get a new dumpling.

  • After completing any of the two additional new featured quests, an emergency quest for “Hittengumon” has been added to the meeting place, and Fiorini will also accompany him in this battle.

  • After completing the urgent mission of “Hittengumon”, the MR Rank will be increased to 2.

Added side quests

M ★1 additional mission

M ★2

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • Added 2-star quests to the Gathering House.

  • A large number of new tier 4 decorations have been added to the crafting shop.

  • Added “Skill Memory Enhancement” to the follower square, which can add up to 3 skill memory positions for Ailu (up to 8), but each cell needs to consume an “Acorn”. Knocked Acorns can occasionally be obtained while exploring the MR map through the Follower Secret Team.

  • Talk to Fiorini, the knight of the kingdom, and then talk to the receptionist Qi Jie. There will be a new 2-star quest in the assembly hall, as well as a quest with allies (only for single player, but there will be ally NPCs to assist).

  • Talk to Rukika, the knight of the kingdom, the quest “Interlaced Persimmons and Bullets” will be added to the ally quest, and Rukika will become an ally after completing it.

  • Talk to the owner of the tea shop, Red Bean, and a new quest “Nursing the Body with Fruits?” has been added to the assembly hall. After completing it, you can get a new dumpling called “Dango Vitality”.

  • After completing the two 2-star selected missions, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie to start the urgent mission of the Manjaw Dragon.

Added side quests

M ★2 mission

M ★2 (two)

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • A new 2-star quest has been added to the Gathering House after completing the Urgent quest for the Manjaw.

  • Talk to Fiorini, the knight of the kingdom, and add a new ally quest “Lightning galloping in the dark”.

  • Talk to Sailor Picard to add the “Exciting Bravery Meeting” quest at the Gathering.

  • After completing the two new 2-star featured quests, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie to start the emergency quest of Gangbang Beast. Fiorini will also accompany him in this battle.

  • After completing the emergency quest of “Gang Tangled Beast”, the MR Rank will be increased to 3.

Added side quests

M ★2 Additional Missions

M ★3

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • A 3-star quest has been added to the Gathering House.

  • Talk to Jay, the Knight of the Kingdom, and the quest “White Knight and Rookie Knight” has been added to the quest with allies.

  • Talk to Rukika, the knight of the kingdom, and add the quest “The Unmoved Beast”.

  • A new seven-star bug hunter has been added to the processing shop.

  • “Fortress Heights” has been added to the Follower Scout Team.

  • Talk to Researcher Bahri, and the quest “Investigate the decline in ability due to hunger” has been added to the assembly hall. After completing it, you can obtain the production method of the armor “Guardian”.

  • After completing any three selected missions with 3 stars, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie to start the emergency mission of the Ice Mermaid.

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Added side quests

M ★3 missions

New Map: Citadel Heights

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

The secondary camp in the Fortress Heights is shown in the red circle in the picture.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

After passing through zones 2 and 4 to zone 5, look for a path to the east, then keep walking northeast to find the camp facilities.

The sub-camp is located in the far northeast of the map, a short and long small area. Go north from the main camp, go through areas 2 and 4 to reach area 5, and then search northeast along the way to trigger the plot, the grocery store owner will provide the task of opening the sub-camp Dragons, found in Zones 8 and 10 in the northwest).

M ★3 (two)

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • A new 3-star quest will be added to the Gathering House after completing the emergency quest for the Iceman.

  • Talk to Instructor Arro at the Arena, and the quest “Shrine of Resentment” will be added to the quest with allies.

  • Talk to Sailor Cologne, go back to the follower plaza in Shenhuo Village and talk to Londini at the trading window. The quest “Swords to Sweep the Mud” will be added to the quest “Sweeping the Dirt”.

  • Talk to Jay, the knight of the kingdom, and add the “Gathering Stone Dragon” to the quest of allies.

  • Talk to the village chief of Shenhuo Village, and the quest “Trial for Fire” will be added to the assembly hall. After completing it, you can get the method of making the weapon village chief’s double swords[unlimited].

  • After completing any 3 selected quests with 3 stars, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie to start the urgent quest of the Ice Wolf Dragon. Fiorini will also accompany him in this battle.

  • After completing the urgent mission of “Ice Wolf Dragon”, the MR Rank will be increased to 4.

Added side quests

M ★3 Additional Missions

M ★4

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • A 4-star quest has been added to the Gathering House.

  • “Locked Treasure Chest” (material for making Barbania’s suit) has been added to the “Private Trade” of the trading ship, and the items that can be obtained from the Secret Team have been increased.

  • Talk to Sailor Cologne, go back to Shenhuo Village and talk to the village receptionist Huoya, and add the quest “Dragon Shadow Flying Through the Air”.

  • Go back to Shenhuo Village and talk to Shui Yi, the receptionist of the assembly hall, and the quest “Swaying Grass Leaves and Cherry Blossom Tail” will be added.

  • Talk to the owner of the teahouse, and the 4-star quest “The Frozen Scroll of No Escape” will be added to the meeting place. After completing it, you will get a new dumpling called “Escape from the Wild Mochi”.

  • After completing any three selected missions of 3 stars, the plot will appear, go back to Shenhuo Village to talk to the grocery merchant Yang Yan, and then go to the assembly hall to talk to Instructor Ni Tai, you can get the last new weapon exchange skill.

  • A new emergency quest “Search for the wise Apothecary” has appeared, with the goal of hunting electric dragons.

Added side quests

M ★4 missions

M ★4 (two)

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • A new 4-star quest has been added to the Gathering House.

  • Talk to Sailor Cologne, go back to the Shenhuo Village Assembly Hall to talk to Instructor Ni Tai, and add the quest “Teacher and Disciple Side by Side”.

  • After completing any of the two newly added 4-star featured quests, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie to start the “Spinosaurus” emergency quest.

Added side quests

M ★4 Additional Missions

M ★4 (three)

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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • A new 4-star quest has been added to the Gathering House.

  • Talk to the owner of the teahouse, the 4-star quest “Beautiful and Powerful Movement Technique? Volume” has been added to the meeting room. After completing the quest, you can get a new dumpling called “Honey Flower Dumpling”, which can reduce the need for sprinting and rushing when the knife is closed. damage taken while flying.

  • After completing any of the two newly added 4-star quests, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie to start the urgent quest of “Jazzy Silver Dragon”. Fiorini will also accompany him in this battle.

  • After completing the urgent mission of “Jazzy Silver Dragon”, the MR Rank will be increased to 5.

Added side quests

M ★4 Additional Missions (2)

M ★5

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • 5-star quests have been added to the Gathering House.

  • Processing shops can produce more advanced decorative beads.

  • Talk to Admiral Garreas, and add “Fire and Loud Sounds Filling the Heavens and Earths” for the quest with allies.

  • Follow the secret team to obtain more precious materials.

  • Talk to Sailor Cologne, go back to Shenhuo Village and talk to the village chief Fu Xian, and the quest “Burning Hunting Soul” will be added.

  • Talk to researcher Bahri, the new quest “Research on the Influence of Abnormal Status” has been added to the assembly hall. After completing the task, you can obtain the appearance equipment “azure blue”.

  • After completing any two selected quests with 5 stars, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie to start the urgent quest of “Tianhuilong”.

Added side quests

M ★5 mission

M ★5 (two)

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • A new 5-star quest has been added to the Gathering House.

  • Talk to the owner of the teahouse, Hongdou, and the 5-star quest “Dango that Turns Friendship into Strength” has been added to the assembly hall. After completing it, you can get a new dumpling called “Following Friendship Mochi”.

  • After completing any two selected quests of the 5-star new, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie to start the urgent quest of “Ice Wolf Dragon”. This ice wolf dragon is parasitic with gnawing insects, and its power and moves will also change.

  • After completing the mission and the cutscene, the urgent mission of “Dragon of the Abyss” will appear.

  • After completing the urgent mission of “Dragon of the Abyss”, the basic storyline will temporarily come to an end, and the MR Rank opening limit will be limited to 10.

Added side quests

M ★5 Additional Missions

M ★6

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • A 6-star quest has been added to the Gathering.

  • Added decorative beads to the crafting shop, including new skills that are only available in new dragon armor.

  • “Alchemy. Spirituality” and “Alchemy. Reincarnation” have been added to the Mysterious Alchemy in the grocery store, and there is a chance to craft a protective stone with 8 stars or more.

  • Followers of the Secret Team have added new areas infected with Biodevourers, and monsters in these areas will drop more high-level materials.

  • Talk to the owner of the teahouse, Hongdou, and the 6-star quest “The Secret of Tenacity? Volume” has been added to the assembly. After completing it, you can get a new dumpling.

  • The “High-speed Dango Replacement Technique” has been added to the teahouse meal, which can restore stamina by performing high-speed replacement.

  • When the MR is raised to level 10, talk to the receptionist Qi Jie, and the urgent task of “Puppet Investigation: Blue Bear Beast” will appear.

  • After completing the emergency mission, start the “EX” Puppet Investigation series mission. Puppet monsters will drop special materials, allowing weapons to evolve to the final stage.

Added side quests

M ★6 missions


Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

  • The processing shop has opened new appearance equipment, which can make the appearance of elite armor.

  • The follower secret team has added “Investigation of Bio-devouring Insects”, which is roughly equivalent to the previous “Hundred Dragons Night Walk”, and can obtain puppet materials.

  • When the MR is upgraded to level 20, talk to the kingdom knight Fiorini, and then talk to the receptionist Qi Jie, the urgent task of “Feng Shenlong” will appear.

  • After completing the “Feng Shenlong” emergency mission, the MR limit will be increased to 30, and the EXTRA 2-star mission will appear.

  • When the MR is raised to level 30, talk to the kingdom knight Fiorini, and then talk to the receptionist Qi Jie, and the urgent task of “Thunder Dragon” will appear.

  • After completing the “Thor” emergency mission, the MR limit will be increased to 50, and the EXTRA 3-star mission will appear.

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