Home » Motion sickness during travel: how to counter motion sickness with natural remedies

Motion sickness during travel: how to counter motion sickness with natural remedies

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Motion sickness during travel: how to counter motion sickness with natural remedies

Carsickness, seasickness, planesickness: in a single word motion sickness, malaise that affects millions of people when they travel by public transport, useful advice.

Scenic vistas, adventures on four wheels and the freedom to travel – all of which may sound fantastic, but for some people, the experience of a road trip can turn into a nightmare due to the dreaded motion sickness, better known as motion sickness.

Fortunately, there are several remedies that can help relieve or prevent this nagging feeling of general malaise. Not everyone knows them but they are available to everyone and they cost nothing.

Motion sickness or car, plane or ship sickness? It is the same ailment: the remedies

Nausea, confusion, dizziness, vomiting are these i typical symptoms of motion sickness. But what are the useful remedies to combat such a disorder?

Motion sickness how to solve and enjoy the journey – Tantasalute.it

Try one or more of these 10 ways to avoid motion sickness:

If you are the driver, follow the less winding or curvy roads, avoiding sudden accelerations or decelerations. This can help stabilize the body and reduce the likelihood of nausea; If you’re traveling as a passenger, try to focus on a fixed point inside the car. Look at the front seat or secure yourself to a stable object. This will help the brain understand that you are moving and get used to the movement.Find a place in the car where you can get a view of the landscape or the horizon. Keeping your gaze fixed on a distant point can help reduce feelings of motion sickness by keeping your brain focused;Make sure the car is well ventilated and open a window for fresh air. Stagnant air can increase the feeling of nausea; Certain odors can trigger motion sickness or increase its intensity. Try to avoid strong perfumes, spicy foods, or anything else that might affect your sense of smell.Avoid heavy meals or fatty foods before a long journey. Opt for snacks that are light and easy to digest, like fresh fruit or crackers. This can help prevent indigestion and feeling nauseous while travelling.Keep yourself hydrated during your journey by drinking fresh water. Dehydration can increase the symptoms of motion sickness, so it’s important to drink enough to keep your body hydrated.Try to distract yourself during the journey. Read a book, listen to music or watch a movie on your portable device. Focusing on something other than the movement of the car can help reduce nausea.Gingko biloba is a natural supplement which has been studied to relieve the symptoms of motion sickness. You can find it at a pharmacy or herbalist’s shop and take a recommended dose before travelling. If motion sickness persists despite all other remedies, try to take breaks along the way. Stop at a rest area or safe place to take a short walk and refresh yourself. This can help the body readjust and reduce symptoms.

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