Home » Never charge your phone like this: you risk a bad illness

Never charge your phone like this: you risk a bad illness

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Never charge your phone like this: you risk a bad illness

We know how much your smartphone, especially if used a lot, can be harmful to our health. To further confirm this would be a recent research, which would advise against the proximity of the smartphone during the hours of sleep.

In this case, this would be a study recently published by British Scientists, according to which recharging the phone in the room leads to an increased risk of onset of diabetes and obesity.

The major reason behind the occurrence of this health risk would be the production of melatonina, which decreases or increases according to certain light conditions. A totally dark environment and devoid of electronic devices, in fact, leads to a increased secretion of melatonin by the bodythus leading to a more peaceful and higher quality sleep.

The radiation and light emanating from your smartphoneon the contrary, they would lead to one reduction of the body’s secretion of melatoninwith the effect of a worsened sleep in terms of quality. One of the main consequences of a deterioration in sleep quality is the imbalance of the metabolism, which can eventually lead to various diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

It was Ivy Cheung of Northwestern University in Chicago, who stated that even a single exposure of three hours to the light of smartphones (or electronic devices in general, such as tablets and notebooks) leads to a heavy impact on hunger and glucose metabolism, consequently leading to along the way to the aforementioned pathologies caused by the alteration of the regular sleep-wake rhythm.

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The radiation emitted by phones

Based on what was recorded by the study in question, a phone on standby releases an average of 2.3 Milligauss (mG) of electromagnetic radiation, which even increase to 3.4 Milligauss by putting it on recharge. The parameter that varies in this case is also the distance that is held between the person and the smartphone: at a distance of 5 cm the radiation will amount to 1 Milligauss, halving at a distance of 10 cm and so on, with an inversely proportional ratio.

Ultimately, scholars recommend keep your smartphone off during sleep hoursand then turn it back on in the morning once you wake up, or possibly keep it at a distance, possibly in a room other than the bedroom.

telephone read 2

We therefore just have to wait for further developments and confirmations of the study in question on the use of the telephone at night, which we are sure will not be long in coming over the next few weeks or months.

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