Home » New medical test, the dates of April and July «nightmare» for high school students – breaking latest news

New medical test, the dates of April and July «nightmare» for high school students – breaking latest news

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New medical test, the dates of April and July «nightmare» for high school students – breaking latest news
from University editorial staff

The test can be repeated several times and the best score obtained will be taken into account. But this year the two sessions have already been set for April and July. Graduates: why not take the second test in September?

On the one hand, it certainly reassures the fact of not playing everything in a single day and of being able to repeat the test over and over again. In fact, according to the new ways of accessing the Medicine tests, a fourth-grade student can try his hand at the quiz already in April of this year, try again in July and then do it again twice more even in the fifth year of high school. The ranking will take into account the best score obtained in the various attempts made by the aspiring doctor. But there is a but, at least for this year’s high school graduates:
the dates of the next two exam sessions useful to enroll in Medicine in 2023-24 are expected to April and July and therefore they overlap with the preparation first and then the carrying out of the exams. Yesterday afternoon, after the university ministry published the decree regulating the new ways of accessing degree courses in Medicine, on social media many fifth grade boys and girls complained about the schedule of tests. Why not schedule at least the second session in September as was the case in previous years? Of course, there is the advantage that, taking the exam in July, those who do not pass have more time to divert their choices to other university courses. But the fact remains that the overlapping of dates frightens many graduates, also because having known it only now it is difficult for them to be ready by April and therefore many of them will try their luck in July. The exact dates have not yet been fixed, we will know in November. It is hoped that they will be in the second half of July in order to be sure not to overlap with the last graduation oral.

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As for the question of scores, this is how it will work. For the next academic year the best score obtained in the two tests in April and July will be taken into account. For the academic year 2024-5, on the other hand, the best score will be awarded between those obtained this year and those in the two sessions of 2024. The new Tolc tests (acronym for: Test OnLine CISIA) consist of 50 questions to be answered in 90 minutes: 15 of biology and others 15 of physics and chemistry (for which 25 minutes are provided for each block), 13 of mathematics and logic (another 25 minutes), 7 of comprehension of the text and knowledge acquired in the studies (15 minutes). Compared to the past, when there was only one dry test with the same questions for everyone, from now on the questions will be different from session to session. This is why in addition to the simple evaluation of the answers given by each candidate (1 point for each correct answer, zero for those left blank, – 0.25 for incorrect ones), the difficulty of the single test will also be weighed in the final score on the basis of a scientific model centered on the so-called equalization coefficient of the test. The assigned score, called equalized score, will be obtained by adding the score obtained by the participant with the answers given to the questions (unequalized score) with a number that measures the difficulty of the test, called the test equalization coefficient.

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September 29, 2022 (change September 29, 2022 | 12:16)

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