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New Year’s Eve 2022, Sileri: “It will be last with Covid”

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New Year’s Eve 2022 will be the last with Covid according to Undersecretary of Health Pierpaolo Sileri, who invites “to celebrate the end of the year in a few and possibly all vaccinated, because this reduces the risk of contagion”. “I think this will be the last New Year we will have with this virus. I don’t want to be too optimistic, but I think we are really there and just look at the numbers,” he told ‘L’aria che tira’ on La7.

“If we take last year’s data on the same day today – he underlines – we see that certainly the positives were many, much less, but it was another virus, or rather it was this one but not with the Omicron variant, but the number of beds occupied in ICUs were vastly superior, thanks to the fact that today we have a vaccine and a lighter virus, “he concludes.

Sileri then talks about the reopening of discos: “I have always been an ‘aperturista’ with respect to discos, but it is clear that with this variant some activities have been put on the corner. However, I believe that, after the holidays, perhaps a reflection on an early reopening will have to be done “.

“Looking at how Omicron behaves and the damage it is doing, I am referring to people who go to isolation and quarantine and not to health damage, as the number of hospitalizations, which are growing but under control – he stresses – probably banning everything that was gathering in the square and other places made sense. I’m sorry for the discos but – he assures – we will do everything to reopen them as soon as possible “.

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