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no more painful stings and health hazards

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no more painful stings and health hazards

Eliminating fleas and ticks from our homes means protecting ourselves and protecting our four-legged friends. Here’s why and how.

Among insects more annoying and unhealthy that we can find in our homes there are Ticks not Fleas. Eliminating them in time is crucial to avoid an invasion and above all not to run into Health problems.


In fact, in addition to being repulsive, fleas and ticks bring us bacteria and disease. And they don’t spare our four-legged friends. And let’s not forget that they are dangerously prolific insects, and there is a real risk of being faced with an invasion that is very difficult to eradicate.

Ma how to recognize the sting of these pests? Here is some useful information and also how prepare some simple remedies to preserve our homes.

Flea bites and tick bites, how to recognize them and what to do

Once we have fleas in the house they are likely to attack us too, and not just our dog or cat. These insects feed on blood and – in humans – they sting above all the lower limbs. Initially the mark left by their passage may seem that of a mosquito bite. But usually fleas cause multiple fleas at once, and are recognized as being “in a row” or in clusters.

Not only: the tick bite is very itchy, and causes severe discomfort. The dangers inherent in the bites of these insects lie in the ease of infection of the injured parts. It is not uncommon for a person attacked by fleas to show up skin rashes, abrasions, allergic reactions and various types of inflammation. In subjects with more delicate skin, some can also form vesicles.

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Anyone who thinks that’s all is wrong. Fleas carry numerous potentially deadly pathogens with them for both animals and humans. Let’s talk about Yersinia pestis, which causes the Plague. Or the bacterium Rickettsia typhi, responsible for the onset of Murino Typhus. Or again, of the Francisella tularensis, known as the bacterium that causes “rabbit fever”.

As regards the Ticks, their bites are known to be carriers of disease even serious, such as the Meningoencephalitis, which can lead to persistent headaches, paralysis, seizures and mental disorders. Let’s not forget the Lyme diseaseand all bacterial infections which can arise from an infected tick.

The ticks they prefer to suck blood in the hot and humid areas of the body, such as armpits, groin and scalp. The tick remains inside the affected part to continue feeding, so it is likely that in the event of an attack we will notice the insect inside the wound.

Eliminate Fleas and Ticks with Simple Methods

It follows that as soon as we see a flea or tick in the house it is good to act immediately, and prevent them from irreversibly proliferating. We can act on several frontsalso without spraying chemical pesticides around the house. That could harm our animal friends, and more than ever to small children.

For the fleas there is a simple but effective system, even if it has to be implemented over a long period of time. In order to be sure you have eradicated them all. We have to arrange white plates – fleas are attracted to light colors – in places where we suspect their presence. Fill the soup plates halfway with water and then a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Fleas also love humidity. They will jump into the dish but, entangled with the soap, they will not be able to get out.

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We change the water every time it is needed e we continue to keep different dishes around the house until we find no more fleas for several consecutive days inside them.

Alternatively we can create a spray the easy waywhich we will need also to eliminate ticks. Let’s get 250 ml of dish detergent; 500 ml of apple cider vinegar; two tablespoons of cloves and a glass of water.

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We put thewater on the fire and when it boils add the cloves; we continue cooking for about ten minutes. Meanwhile, mix the vinegar and dish soap together. We turn off the water and let it coolthen add vinegar and detergent. We mix everything and then transfer it to a spray bottle. We spray the areas where we think fleas and ticks are hiding several times.

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