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no vax and administrative candidate

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no vax and administrative candidate

Is called Julius Milani the man who gave one slap to Giuseppe Conte in Piazza Garibaldi to Massa, in Tuscany. The leader of the 5 Star Movement was in the midst of his electoral tour in view of the upcoming local elections when he was attacked by the no vax activist.

Who is Giulio Milani

The 52-year-old Giulio Milani is a publisher and it’s candidate come city ​​councilor in the next elections administrative for the list ‘Massa insurrection. Marco Lenzoni mayor’.

According to the information on his Facebook page, Milani also presents himself as press office manager of the CLN (National Liberation Committee).

“But what a sganassone, it was a pedagogical slap”, minimizes Milani interviewed by the agency ‘beraking latest news’. The man calls himself a “former M5S voter” ed “disappointed former militant”.

And again: “I did not attack Conte, I simply used the minimum possible force. Mine was a buffettoto notify him of mine moral contempt. Mine and millions of people”.

The reasons for the attack on Giuseppe Conte

The reasons behind the attack on Giuseppe Conte he explains himself: “Because he betrayed the voters by doing deal with anyone in order to have armchairs and why it has dragged Italy into the war giving support to the Draghi government”.

“Not to mention – he continues – the unconstitutional measures launched by his government during the pandemic. He and Speranza are on trial on charges of a culpable epidemic. We should ask ourselves more about him than about me.”

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Milani is ready to face any complaints from Conte. In that case, he says, “I’ll explain my reasons in court.”

“The newspapers headline that I am a no vax – he explains – but I am a publisher, I manage a publishing house, I am an intellectual. I repeat: mine was a pedagogical slap in the face. He made the violence with his Dpcm ”.

No regrets for slapping Conte

So no regrets. Indeed, Milani claims the act, so much so that on Saturday 6 May, the day following the attack, he published a post on Facebook to pay homage Beate Klarsfeld.

The German activist the November 7, 1968during a CDU party congress in Berlin, stood on the podium for to slap il Federal Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger shouting “Nazi, Nazi!”

Photo source: ANSA

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