Home » Not just low blood pressure: how to defend your kidneys from the harsh test of high summer temperatures

Not just low blood pressure: how to defend your kidneys from the harsh test of high summer temperatures

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Not just low blood pressure: how to defend your kidneys from the harsh test of high summer temperatures

Summer puts a strain on the health of our kidneys. Here are the best tips to take care of these organs in the heat.

According to the Society of Nephrology our kidneys can be affected by high summer temperatures and no longer be efficient in their functioning. There are several risks to consider in the summer.

According to the Vademecum drawn up by the Society of Nephrology there are several risk factors to consider in the summer that can compromise the health and functioning of our kidneys. Not only, therefore, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, a diet that prefers fats and proteins, excessive sweating and poor hydration or excessive hydration (drinking too little or too much) but even the habit of frequenting too hot environments

Above all, “fragile” patients, therefore the elderly, but also those suffering from high blood pressure or heart failure must pay attention to all these factors.

How to defend the kidneys from the summer heat? The importance of water (but not for everyone)

Nephrology experts warn that the generic advice to “drink lots of water” in hot weather is not good for everyone. Let’s find out why and the implications of this advice on blood pressure and kidney health.

According to the President of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) Stefano Bianchi, paying attention to your hydration in the summer is essential. However, this generic advice, which is given to everyone, but which in reality does not apply to everyone. In fact, those who have normal kidney and heart function are most interested in it.

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What are the risks faced by those suffering from kidney diseases (tantasalute.it)

In the presence of pathologies such as renal and/or cardiac insufficiency, in fact, it would be better not to exceed with the intake of liquids to a greater extent than the norm. In fact, this can compromise the functionality of the kidneys, making it more difficult for them to eliminate excess fluids. And, in the long run, this can lead to retention and even heart failure.

People who suffer from high blood pressure must also be careful not to drink more than the normal daily amount, especially if they are of a certain age and take drugs to lower blood pressure, such as diuretics. According to the Sin Secretary and SC Nephrology and Dialysis Ausl- Ircss Director of Reggio Emilia Mariacristina Gregorini, in the summer, especially in elderly subjects, it is necessary to measure blood pressure often, which tends to drop a lot in the heat. A low value could cause brain, heart and kidney problems (such as acute kidney failure).

For this reason, in summer, in subjects in whom a drop in blood pressure often occurs, it is advisable to reevaluate with the specialist any antihypertensive and/or diuretic therapy, which can contribute to a further drop in blood pressure. So in the summer it is also essential to take care of your kidneys which can suffer for a variety of reasons. And drink water only if you have normal kidney and heart function.

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