Home » Nursing care insurance: You are entitled to these benefits

Nursing care insurance: You are entitled to these benefits

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Nursing care insurance: You are entitled to these benefits

Care services for everyone in need

Versicherungs­pflicht. Anyone who has statutory or private health insurance is automatically insured under statutory nursing care insurance.

Beitrags­satz. The contribution to long-term care insurance for those without children is 4.0 percent of their gross income (as of July 2023), while those insured with children pay 3.4 percent. If you have several children under the age of 25, your contribution drops to up to 2.4 percent. Our article on the renewed care reform, the first measures of which came into force on July 1, 2023, provides an overview of the exact contribution rates. Those with private insurance pay an individually determined contribution that is capped by a legal upper limit.

Service on request. In order to receive benefits, those with statutory health insurance must apply for care services from the health insurance company; those with private insurance must contact their health insurer. The prerequisite is always that someone needs support in everyday life for longer than six months.

Begut­achtung. Before long-term care insurance takes effect, experts must determine a need for care. For those with statutory health insurance, the medical service of the health insurance company (MD) carries out the assessment; for those with private insurance, the company Medicproof carries out the assessment.

Pfle­gegrad. The care report determines whether and how much help a person needs and in which care level from 1 to 5 he or she is therefore classified. The higher the level of care, previously called the care level, the higher the benefits approved.

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Tipp: In our care set, the health experts from Stiftung Warentest explain how you can organize care. The special publication offers assistance in dealing with formalities; with the included checklists and forms you can secure important government assistance.

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