Home » Nutritional Psychology Prof. Dr. Klotter guest speaker at the AVA main conference in May in Bad Salzschlirf (Fulda)

Nutritional Psychology Prof. Dr. Klotter guest speaker at the AVA main conference in May in Bad Salzschlirf (Fulda)

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Nutritional Psychology Prof. Dr.  Klotter guest speaker at the AVA main conference in May in Bad Salzschlirf (Fulda)

Nutritional Psychology Prof. Dr. Klotter is a guest speaker at the 23rd AVA main conference from May 18th to 21st in Bad Salzschlirf (near Fulda) with a “provocative” lecture for veterinarians

Nutritional Psychology Prof. Dr. Christoph Klotter guest speaker at the 23rd AVA main conference for veterinarians from May 18th to 21st, 2023 in Bad Salzschlirf (Fulda)

At the invitation of the Agrar- und Veterinär-Akademie (AVA) from Steinfurt, Münsterland, nutritional psychology Prof. Christoph Klotter begins his guest lecture on May 19 at the AVA veterinary conference with the Italian proverb: ‘Between the intention and the implementation lies the sea ‘.

In other words: The fundamental discrepancy between what you want to eat and what you eat shows the currently exaggerated ethical ideas about “healthy” nutrition. “One is only a good person if one lives vegan or vegetarian and is thus morally superior to everyone else. “People” – the class of people who are supposedly better educated and financially stronger – like to rise above the “stupid chav who still eats meat”. This is ideologically motivated and corresponds to a polarization that is not good for our society,” says Prof. Klotter.

Sugar is now regarded as the stuff of the devil, because snacking is a sin and children should be kept away from it. These demands, like others, are currently coming from the Green Ministry of Agriculture, which wants to raise our children “healthily” by means of bans. What do children learn when sugar is treated like a hard drug? As a rule, prohibitions create desires. In the preliminary discussion of his guest contribution, Prof. Klotter said to Ernst-Günther Hellwig, the founder and head of the Agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA), that he sometimes said in his lectures: “It’s forbidden to look at the ceiling.” Turn If he then turns to the blackboard, all eyes would be happily fixed on the ceiling”.

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There is no evidence that sugar alone causes illness. This is an ideologization that we are unfortunately experiencing at the moment and that many “intellectuals” are chasing after, although there is no empirical basis for it. Recent research results indicate anyway that there is no universal healthy diet. The metabolism is very individual from person to person. It’s all too easy to forget these days.

Another example is “dietary desires” and “nutritional realities”. What you want or should eat (e.g. healthy, fresh, organic, vegetables, salad, vegan,…) and what is ultimately in the shopping cart (cheap, tasty, sweet,…) – there would be worlds in between. With his lecture title “The fundamental discrepancy between what you want to eat and the reality of what you eat”, Prof. Klotter wants to encourage critical reflection on these “nutritional discrepancies” at the AVA conference of farm animal medicine. To what extent does this affect livestock veterinarians? With this question, the realistic and in the choice of words “very “direct” nutritional psychologist refers to his guest contribution on May 19, 2023 at the 23rd AVA main conference.

In addition to this guest contribution by the health and nutritional psychologist, the Agrarian and Veterinary Academy (AVA) for farm veterinarians offers a large number of absolutely practice-relevant topics on animal health and prevention, animal protection and animal welfare in cattle and pig veterinary medicine at the 23rd AVA main conference , in order to discuss particularly new findings and experiences within the veterinarians taking part in the conference, which can already be used in the next company visits due to the practical relevance of the AVA event.

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Meet in person – discuss in person – face-to-face professional exchange. The framework for this is provided by the conference hotel AQUALUX, which is not only for meetings, but is also a designated wellness and spa hotel with massages, cosmetic treatments and body treatments. There are quiet rooms, relaxation areas, a pool, saltwater pool and sauna landscape. Thus, partners of the conference visitors who have traveled with them have a variety of “recreational opportunities” available, which can of course be used parallel to the training contributions. The AVA main conference is much more than just a pure training event. Further information on the AVA homepage at www.ava1.de or by mail [email protected] , or by phone at +49-2551-7878.

The AVA is a training company with the aim of training and further education and the distribution of information for the agricultural and veterinary sectors. At the same time, the AVA is a forum for farmers and veterinarians that takes a look at the challenges of producing healthy food in the coming decades.

For over 20 years, the aim of the Agricultural and Veterinary Academy has been to discuss the problems of modern, sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry. We want to find ways together to work in an animal-friendly, practical and consumer-oriented manner. AVA training courses help to save on pharmaceuticals! Ernst-Günther Hellwig, founder and head of AVA, Steinfurt, Burgsteinfurt

Ernst Gunther Hellwig

Agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA) EG Hellwig

Wettringer Strasse 10 – D 48565 Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt

fon: +49-(0)2551- 7878 fax: +49-(0)2551-83 43 00

[email protected]       www.ava1.de


Agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA), Prof. Dr. Christoph Klotter, AVA main conference, health psychologist, nutritional psychology, veterinary conference, Ernst-Günther Hellwig, veterinary medicine, animal health, animal protection, animal welfare,

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The AVA is a training company with the aim of training and further education and the distribution of information for the agricultural and veterinary sectors. At the same time, the AVA is a forum for farmers and veterinarians that looks at the challenges of producing healthy food over the coming decades.

»The aim of the Agricultural and Veterinary Academy is to discuss the problems of modern, sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry. Together we want to find ways to work in an animal-friendly, practical and consumer-oriented manner.«

Ernst-Günther Hellwig, founder and head of AVA, Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt

Agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA)
EG Hellwig
Wettringer Str. 10
48565 Steinfurt

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