Home » Obama Nungara – the invasive pest that makes the garden a nightmare

Obama Nungara – the invasive pest that makes the garden a nightmare

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Obama Nungara – the invasive pest that makes the garden a nightmare

The gardening season is gradually beginning. Part of caring for your own little oasis is controlling pests—if you think you know them all, then brace yourself for a pretty gross newcomer.

carnivorous flatworm
with the scientific name “Obama tungara” was brought to Germany from South America and feels quite comfortable here. Here you can find out why this is a problem and how you can effectively combat the little animal.

According to the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, the species “Obama tungara” has also become highly probable, as has happened so often before
as a stowaway
imported on cargo ships.

There have recently been sightings in Germany, the British Isles, Spain, Portugal, Italy and especially France, where the worm could become a plague.

Originally from Argentina, the flatworm feeds on other animals including:

  • snails
  • worms
  • The food
  • insects

Less snails in the garden? This may sound like an advantage at first, but “Obama tungara” has no predators in Germany. Also, individuals of this species are hermaphrodites and can reproduce on their own! The rapid spread could have dire consequences for our ecosystems.

For example, earthworms are very important for your garden because they loosen the soil. In addition, the invasive Nungara flatworm could further reduce the already declining biodiversity.

The Nungara flatworm has some distinctive features that you can quickly recognize even as a layman. These include, for example:

  • Long:
    5 to 8 centimeters
  • Color:
    varies from orange to black, often also dark brown
  • Bottom:
    beige color
  • Kopf:
  • Habitat:
    on land, during the day in damp places
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The body is also covered by a shiny, slimy layer. “Obama tungara” most closely resembles a leech, there may be a risk of confusion here. But they stay in the water instead of on land.

By the way: The name “Obama” has nothing to do with that
former US President Barack Obama
to do. The name comes from an indigenous language in the Amazon region and is made up of the words “oba” and “ma” and means something like leaf animal. In a way, the Nungara flatworm also looks like a slimy leaf.

Because the worms, for example, often
imported into potted plants
you should check them carefully before you buy them. If necessary, even remove the plant pot and take a close look at the soil. During the day, the worms seek shelter in dark, damp places.

The worm’s small, black eggs can be anywhere, and each contains several hatchlings. Immediately after being laid, the eggs are still rather reddish. Let the staff know if you find anything.

If you find a Nungara flatworm in your home or garden, then you can
throw him in soapy water
to kill him. The same goes for the eggs. Then keep a good lookout for the worms and always remove them – there are no attractants or traps for “Obama tungara”.

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