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Obesity: all the risks you run

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Obesity: all the risks you run

Obesity is a disease that is characterized by the significant increase in fat mass. It manifests itself organically with important consequences in every organ and system. Every year in Italy there are 7,000 people who die from the damage caused by this pathology. Do not underestimate the psychological aspects of obesity: from 20 to 40 percent of people with obesity suffer from a real eating disorder. Most often they concern the youngest. Obese people also have high levels of anxiety and depression. Here you can find the mistakes not to be made.

As regards the functional aspects, they often have difficulty in carrying out the basic activities of daily life. All the risks of obesity significantly worsen the quality of life. When it affects children and adolescents, in addition to the difficulties of the development of the skeleton, there are also episodes of bullying and cyberbullying which can lead to particularly serious consequences. Prevent obesity it is a decisive step for the quality of life. Find the right center is just as important. This is because theobesity is a chronic disease.

All the risks of obesity: it increases the risk of cancer

Of all the risk factors, the extra kilos cause the number of new cancer diagnoses to soar. At least half a million cases a year attributable to body mass index (BMI). Overweight and obesity would be implicated in the development of cancer:

  • to the esophagus,
  • colorectal,
  • rene,
  • pancreas,
  • gallbladder,
  • breast,
  • endometrium,
  • ovaries.

All the risks of obesity: Increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes

Those who are overweight are at greater risk of suffer from high blood pressure, high triglycerides and high LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and low HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). All risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Excess fat, especially abdominal fat, produces substances that cause inflammation. Inflammation of blood vessels and other areas of the body can increase the risk of heart disease. Losing 5 to 10 percent of your weight can decrease your risk of coronary heart disease or stroke.

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Increases the chances of having asthma

One of the risk factors for allergic asthma is obesity. There is about a 50% increased chance of developing asthma when you are obese and some of the genetic influences that are important to asthma play an even bigger role in obesity. The main problem is that adipose tissues produce many mediators that also influence the type of inflammation that occurs in the airways due to asthma. That is, these mediators have a direct effect on the inflammation of the airways and this results in more obstruction in asthma and a type of asthma that is more difficult to control.

All the risks of obesity: develop type 2 diabetes

Nearly 90% of those with type 2 diabetes are overweight. If the patient is insulin resistant, the sugar cannot reach the cells and therefore remains in excess in the blood, furthermore the cells that produce insulin must work much more than normal to maintain the level of glucose in the blood and therefore gradually deteriorate . You can decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes by losing weight and increasing your physical activity.

Your brain ages

The brain of a middle-aged, obese man or woman has the same characteristics as that of a person ten years older who is not overweight. The discovery comes from research by the University of Cambridge, published in the scientific journal the journal of Neurobiology of Aging. In particular it can accelerate the reduction of the volume of our brain, which is a typical effect of aging.

All the risks of obesity: it predisposes to Alzheimer’s

A study conducted at the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome reveals the close link between childhood obesity and early onset of Alzheimer’s, with the first signs already visible in adolescence. The study, which involved 440 children from the age of 2, shows that time is the determining factor in increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s: the accumulation of significant quantities of amyloid beta protein, such as to trigger an early cognitive decline, would in fact be reached if the adolescent has been of extra large size for years.

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All the risks of obesity: more osteoarticular pain

If you are overweight, there is more pressure on your joints and cartilage, which are consumed more easily, as well as having a greater quantity of substances in circulation that trigger inflammation. Joint inflammation can increase the risk of suffering from osteoarthritis. Losing at least 5 percent of your weight can decrease the workload on your knees, hamstrings and lower back, and reduce inflammation.

More risk of depression

For those who are obese the probability of incurring depression increases by 25 percent according to a study on a large sample of volunteers carried out in Cuba. Other scientific research had already correlated depression and accumulation of visceral fat, in particular a study by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Women with more severe depression had 24.5% more visceral fat than those with less depression.

All the risks of obesity: Increases the risk of pregnancy at risk

Overweight pregnant women have a higher risk of suffering from insulin resistance, high blood sugar and hypertension. Being overweight also increases the risks associated with surgery and anesthesia, while severe obesity increases the time of operative procedures and bleeding. Overweight or obese women who want to have a baby should ask their doctor about how to lose weight before pregnancy. If you lose weight before pregnancy, you can usually significantly reduce the chance of developing complications.

More risk of kidney disease

Obese is defined as having a body mass index greater than 30. According to recent studies, each additional point increases the risk of developing kidney disease by 10%.

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All risks of obesity: plus risk of fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease is a disease caused by excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. We speak of fatty liver disease when the lipid content of the liver exceeds 5% of the weight of the organ. Fatty liver is especially common among those who are overweight or obese. Fatty liver disease has a benign course, but can become complicated in the long run. In the absence of appropriate treatment, the accumulation of fat can lead to chronic inflammation of the liver, called steatohepatitis. This, in turn, NoOver the years, it can degenerate into cirrhosis, severely damaging the liver.

More risk of sleep apnea

Those who are overweight are at increased risk of sleep apnea, because excess fat around the neck hinders breathing. If the airways are blocked it may be difficult to breathe, snoring or apnea may occur; moreover, the fat present in the neck and in the rest of the body can produce substances that trigger inflammation, and inflammation of the neck is a risk factor for sleep apnea. If you lose weight, sleep apnea usually disappears or subsides.

Therapies against obesity

Of course, the first approach concerns lifestyles. The very overweight or obese person must absolutely be followed by a group of doctors, ranging from the nutritionist to the cardiologist to the psychologist. Following a healthy and varied diet is of central importance, as is engaging in regular and moderate physical activity. Sometimes it is necessary to use of drugs and bariatric surgery.

SOURCE: Higher Institute of Health

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