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Omicron 5, symptoms and healing times, all the differences with the previous variants »ILMETEO.it

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Omicron 5, symptoms and healing times, all the differences with the previous variants »ILMETEO.it

Covid: Omicron 5, symptoms and recovery times, all the differences with the previous variants

Omicron 5 spreads throughout Italy. Less aggressive, but very contagiousIn the last few days we have been seeing a noticeable increase in contagions from COVID throughout Italy and, according to virologists, the peak could be reached around the middle of July.

To favor this surge, as also reported by the newspaper Republicand the Omicron 5 variant which spreads much more easily than all other coronavirus variants known to date. According to experts, the negativization times are very short and symptoms, in general, are less severe. With regard to the Omicron 5 variant, he intervened Mauro Pistellodoctor who leads the virology of the hospital of Pisa, who wanted to state: It seems that the infection lasts a little less. There are people who become negative even after a week. With the other variants it also took two weeks to wait. It is clear that the virus has changed. It’s becoming like a respiratory infection, like a cold. “
In addition to a cold, the most common symptoms are a sore throat and also a high fever. Headache is less common, which was observed much more often with Omicron 1 and 2.

So, we are moving towards the highlight of the summer season with a worsening pandemic situation. The risk therefore returns to being elevated, especially for the most fragile people, but also for those who are not yet vaccinated. The advice of the experts, if the positivity is made official, is to isolate yourself independently and start therapy at home using the medicines prescribed by your family doctor.

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