Home » Opening Ceremony Marks Transfer of Students to Toledo University Hospital for Medicine Degree

Opening Ceremony Marks Transfer of Students to Toledo University Hospital for Medicine Degree

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Opening Ceremony Marks Transfer of Students to Toledo University Hospital for Medicine Degree

Opening Ceremony for Third Year of Medicine Degree at Toledo University Hospital

Toledo University Hospital hosted the opening ceremony for the third year of the Medicine Degree program, with thirteen students from the faculties of Albacete and Ciudad Real set to enroll. This follows protests by students last year. Currently, only thirteen out of the fifty planned places have been filled.

The event was chaired by the rector of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, José Julián Garde, and the general director of Human Resources and Transformation of Sescam, Iñigo Cortázar. They were accompanied by the vice-rector of Health Sciences, Alino Martínez Marcos, the managing director of the University Hospital of Toledo, Juan Blas, and the deans of the Faculties of Medicine of Albacete and Ciudad Real, Silvia Llorens and Inmaculada Ballesteros, respectively.

Cortázar described the day as “historic” for the collaboration between the Government and the regional University during his speech.

For the academic year 2023/2024, the University Hospital of Toledo will join the teaching of the Degree in Medicine from the third year onwards in clinical subjects. Students can choose to complete the entire degree in Albacete or Ciudad Real, or they can spend the first two years in those cities and continue from the third year at the Toledo University Hospital.

An exclusive space of 4,000 square meters will be created for the Undergraduate Teaching Unit. While initially, the students will utilize existing classrooms and other teaching spaces at the University Hospital, an agreement signed between the Ministry of Health and the UCLM will allow the creation of dedicated facilities for the Teaching Unit. Sescam has provided a space in the hospital’s administrative building, which will be equipped with exam classrooms, seminars, clinical skills and simulation laboratories, and an exam area. It will also feature a classroom, library, study area, dining room, meeting room, student delegation, spaces for the Medical Education Unit, and wireless internet access through the EDUROAM network.

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Since 2017, sixth-year students from the Albacete Faculty of Medicine have been completing their clinical rotation at the Toledo University Hospital Complex. Thanks to the agreement between the Government of Castilla-La Mancha and the regional University, the health center is now considered a university. Over 200 students have participated in rotations at this center since then.

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