Home » Paola Caruso in tears on TV: “My son, because of a wrong shot, can’t walk anymore”

Paola Caruso in tears on TV: “My son, because of a wrong shot, can’t walk anymore”

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Paola Caruso in tears on TV: “My son, because of a wrong shot, can’t walk anymore”

Last December Paola Caruso he had told on social media that to his son Michelino, 4 years old next March, «a misfortune happened». The showgirl at the time had not clarified what had happened to the little one she had fromformer companion Francesco Caserta. But now, guest of the living room of very trueha tearfully revealed the details of the drama. Which started last November during a vacation in Egypt: «It was me, Michelino, the nanny and other people». At a certain point, the child «started to have a little temperature» which «didn’t go down» with antipyretics: «So on the second day I started to worry». A doctor then arrived in the room and examined the child: «He spoke Arabic, the establishment offered me a translator». The doctor convinced Caruso that the little one needed a shot: «Michelino he screamed like he had never screamed in his life. After half an hour we measure the fever, but the fever does not go down. I tell him to come close to me, he gets out of bed and falls to the floor… He no longer felt his leg, he didn’t move it. I’ve gone mad, my brain has shut down.”

Then the rush to the ER, where the neurologist figured it out the sting had injured the baby’s sciatic nerve. «A healthy child, who until the afternoon had run and played, suddenly he was no longer walking» Paola said as tears streamed down her face. The following day, on his return to Italy, Michelino “was hospitalized”. And since then, mother and son have been “practically in the hospital every day”.

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Now the child walks with a brace: without it he can’t: «Italian doctors say it’s a very long thing, which is the only case in Italy because it is forbidden to inject that toxic medicine here. Which is why they don’t even know what’s going to happen. They don’t know if the nerve will heal or not. I’m devastated as a mom, I don’t wish on anyone in the world what happened to us. I force myself, but I’m destroyed». The tragedy came just as the showgirl and her son had managed to “find a balance” despite the lack of the child’s father in their life: «Michelino at the age of three was finally serene. But now she is afraid of everything, she sees hospitals and cries. At night he wakes up and has nightmares thinking he won’t be able to walk».

The relationship between Caruso and her ex-partner Francesco Caserta ended badly during the pregnancy. The man would have shown up, according to the showgirl’s story, only with two phone calls in November. To find out how the baby was. But then it would be disappeared again. «He never called again, not even at Christmas. But that’s okay, he’s the least of our problems now.” Caruso is «fighting for Michele to have his father’s surnameit is his right. Michele is not to blame if his father and I have parted ways.’ Right now, however, for the 38-year-old showgirl «only one thing is important»: «Michelino’s recovery».

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