Home » Paola Caruso, the truth about her son’s condition: “The road is long” | She didn’t go as she hoped

Paola Caruso, the truth about her son’s condition: “The road is long” | She didn’t go as she hoped

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Paola Caruso, the truth about her son’s condition: “The road is long” |  She didn’t go as she hoped
Paola Caruso and son/official Instagram profile

Paola Caruso tells the truth about her son’s health conditions after the operation.

The last few months have not been easy at all for the ex Bonas of Avanti another and former competitor of the Island of the famous Paola Carusowho had to face a serious health problem involving her son Michele.

A few months ago Paola had told for the first time in Verissimo’s studio what happened to his child, revealing that it all had begun during a trip to Egypt: the little one had felt ill and a doctor had intervened by giving the child an injection, which however had immediately proved to be harmful.

In fact, Michele had begun to show difficulty walking: “The boy no longer heard the girl, no longer felt anything. From a healthy child I found my son paralyzed in one leg, who no longer walked”.

From that moment the health conditions of Michele got worse and Paola had to subject her son to doctor visits and hospital staysup to the decision to have him operated with the hope that he will be able to walk again.

Paola Caruso has decided to have her son undergo surgery

Seeing your son’s health condition, Paola made the decision to have him operated on, with the hope of giving the child back a life like that of other children: “I decided to have it operated onotherwise he will have to live with a guardian all his life. A light came on, I wish he was a child like everyone else”.

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On May 17 the little Michele underwent surgery at the Gaslini hospital in Genoa and Paola told everything on social media, explaining that the sciatic nerve had been damaged by an injection made with a drug not suitable for children, while they were in Egypt. The showgirl was immediately confident that her child will be able to walk again, but the road is still long.

Paola Caruso/official Instagram profile

How is Paola Caruso’s son now

About two weeks after the surgery involving Michele, Paola has decided to continue giving updates to her fans about her son’s health conditions and to do so, she very often publishes on her social profiles images that portray her next to the child.

In recent days, the showgirl has shared a shot with Michele: both are smiling and the child is standing wearing a leg brace that allows him to walk. Despite this Paola said she was positive: “The road is long… But together we will make it” commented.

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