Home » Pasta for breakfast, the diet that made Flavio Briatore lose so many kilos: how it works | Other than a high-protein diet

Pasta for breakfast, the diet that made Flavio Briatore lose so many kilos: how it works | Other than a high-protein diet

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Pasta for breakfast, the diet that made Flavio Briatore lose so many kilos: how it works |  Other than a high-protein diet

Incredible, but true: pasta for breakfast can contribute to weight loss. Here’s what the miracle diet is for Flavio Briatore.

Ah, pasta! Cross and delight of millions of Italians, this tasty food of the local culinary tradition is a must-have on tables throughout the Bel Paese and is understandably appreciated in the rest of the world too.

Beyond the classic tomato version, pasta can be combined with numerous sauces and sauces, such as pesto, cream, Bolognese sauce, simple tuna and, obviously, vegetables. The good news for penne and spaghetti lovers is this: the time has come dispel the myth according to which pasta automatically makes you fat.

According to the pharmacist and journalist Alberico Lemme, known for his revolutionary ideas on diet, by consuming a plate of steaming pasta in the morning it is possible not only to maintain your body weight, but even encourage weight loss.

Even VIPs like Flavio Briatore and Iva Zanicchi they would have adhered to the pasta diet, and with shocking results. Here’s how to include this delicacy in your morning breakfast, and the reasons why – according to countless testimonies – it works without fail.

The pasta diet: this is why it is effective

The diet focuses on consumption of pasta for breakfast, in order to load the body with energy and facilitate subsequent disposal, without the deprivation of carbohydrates imposed by many other diets. It would even facilitate the drainage of liquids and the expulsion of toxins thus promoting an immediate detox effect.

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The consumption of pasta for breakfast aims to use the food ingested to assist the regulation of hormones in the blood, particularly the cortisol and Gh, also called somatropin. The maximum peak of cortisol usually occurs in the early hours of the morning, an event that favors a process known as catabolism of amino acids, a crucial phase in the body’s production of glucose. Therefore, eating pasta for breakfast keeps blood sugar levels stable and promotes fat burning. Furthermore, by stimulating the production of glucose, Gh is also released in the early hours of the morning, inhibiting cortisol, the stress hormone. It is advisable, however, prefer light condiments, such as extra virgin olive oil alone (which also integrates 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin E), tomato, or Parmesan or Grana cheese.

The duration and tangible results of the pasta diet

According to some nutritionists, the pasta diet it should last 5 to 7 days in which it will be possible to lose up to 4 kilos. Obviously these data are variable, as metabolism and psychophysical conditions vary from person to person, resulting in different effects for everyone.

In any case, before embarking on a nutritional journey, It is always advisable to consult a nutritionist or dietician so as not to develop risky nutritional deficiencies.

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