Home » Petteri Orpo down 20.8%, Sanna Marin down 20.7%, Riikka Purra down 18.6%- breaking latest news

Petteri Orpo down 20.8%, Sanna Marin down 20.7%, Riikka Purra down 18.6%- breaking latest news

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Petteri Orpo down 20.8%, Sanna Marin down 20.7%, Riikka Purra down 18.6%- breaking latest news

from our correspondent
HELSINKI – The first results of the elections are arriving in Finland, where today there was a vote to renew the parliament: in the lead, when it was counted 40% of early votes — which in turn are 40% of the total — are there Petteri Orpo of the National Coalition party and the Social Democratic premier Sanna Marin, respectively with 20.8% and 20.7%. Further back, at 18.6%, is the populist Riikka Purra of the far-right party The Finns. Initial projections give 47 seats to the National Coalition party, 45 to the Social Democratic party, 40 to the Finns and 26 to the Greens. A possible “red-blue” coalition between the National Coalition party and the Social Democrats would have sameness of views on almost everything — climate, Europe, NATO — except on public spending.

“It’s too early to say that I feel like the prime minister in pectore, but I’m very happy,” commented Petteri Orpo when the first results were announced. «We are enthusiastic. It’s a real head-to-head and the game is completely open.”Prime Minister Marin said on television, considered at risk by polls that placed her third behind Orpo and Riikka Purra.

“Turnout will tell us how we go,” Purra said. “We will do well if we exceed a certain threshold.” The “certain threshold”, according to the calculations of political scientists, is 74% of turnout: his nationalist party, in fact, is the one that most contends for votes with abstentionism, given that their typical voter is the Finn who most often does not go to vote. Li Andersson, of the Left Alliance, was instead damaged by the exploit of Sanna Marin, considered further back than the challengers and which, evidently, received “useful votes” from the left. “I have already said that I will resign as president of the party,” says Andersson, “and I will, I confirm.”

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