Home » Puffy face as soon as you wake up, here’s how to remove pillow marks to look super fresh

Puffy face as soon as you wake up, here’s how to remove pillow marks to look super fresh

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Puffy face as soon as you wake up, here’s how to remove pillow marks to look super fresh

If your face is always swollen when you wake up, no problem: there are some simple tips to avoid it.

It doesn’t necessarily have to do with the season or even the atmospheric factors: everyone, at least once, has happened to wake up with the face evidently more swollen than normal, not to mention the annoying ones eye bags. Fortunately, this condition resolves itself within a few hours, but it is really annoying for those who perhaps have to leave the house in the morning after getting up. But what is the cause of this phenomenon? And especially: how to remove “pillow marks” immediately?

To understand how to remove – and above all avoid – the annoying sensation of swollen face as soon as you wake up, first of all it is important to know what it comes from. Although this phenomenon occurs throughout the year, in summer it is much more frequent. In spite of ourselves, this causes us to feel unwell, as if we hadn’t slept well. However, not everyone knows that the real cause is another.

Swollen face as soon as you wake up: the causes

Especially in the summer, our diet is disrupted due to appetizers and high carbohydrate intake. This is fueled by an increase in the dehydration caused by high temperatures. In addition to this, the trigger could also be the position in which you sleep. However, a balanced diet, mixed with a few small tips, can really be the solution to this annoying problem.

Why the face is always a little more swollen in the morning (tantasalute.it)


First, since the root cause is the water retention, it is good practice to maintain a correct diet, low in coffee, but rich in fruit and vegetables. In addition to this, being a hint of dehydration, it is good to hydrate constantly with the right amount of water. If even that weren’t enough, there are some quick tricks to remove dark circles and more insistent swelling.

As mentioned above, water is the lifeblood of our body, especially in summer, and to prevent a swollen face when you wake up. But for the most demanding organisms – and last minute morning outings – they exist some techniques to buffer, if not counteract, this annoying blemish.

Many take the java tea, a very famous drink for having a strong detoxifying power on the liver. The results are immediate, but for the doses it is advisable to contact your doctor / herbalist. For last minute remedies there is the used sachet from the chamomile: placed in the freezer the night before, it becomes an undisputed ally to apply on the most insistent dark circles. The result is visible after a few minutes of application. In the end, for times of greatest stress, it is possible to hire the Cordyceps in all its variables (food, supplement, etc.). This mushroom is in fact known to settle an organism deranged due to physical and mental stress.

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