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Remove wasp nest: What helps against the annoying insects? | > – Guide

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Remove wasp nest: What helps against the annoying insects?  |  > – Guide

As of: 07/14/2023 6:08 p.m

A wasp nest in the house scares many people. Most species are harmless. Wasp advisors help: They remove the nest and the animals and move them if necessary.

In summer, wasps often come to the garden table as uninvited guests. Grilled meat, cakes and sweet drinks in particular attract the animals and can spoil the fun of eating outdoors. If the wasps have also built a nest in the house or in the garden, many people react anxiously.

Most wasp species are harmless

Counselors will help if there is a wasp nest near the house.

Most of the approximately 600 wasp species native to Germany and neighboring countries are harmless. “There are only two species of wasps that can become a nuisance,” explains wasp expert and consultant Svend Petersen-Fink. These are the common and the German wasp.

Most of the nests could therefore remain in place, says Petersen-Fink. After one season, the animals die anyway, and the nest remains deserted.

Wasp nests should only be removed by experts

In certain cases, however, it may be advisable to have the nests removed, especially when it comes to the common or German wasp. “If these wasps build their nest in a place where they endanger people – for example where there are children or people with wasp allergies – the animals should be relocated,” recommends Petersen-Fink. Whether it is a harmless or a rather aggressive wasp species is difficult for laypeople to distinguish. In case of doubt, wasp consultants will help. These are available in all northern German federal states.

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Only experts are allowed to carry out the resettlement, laymen are not allowed to remove the nests. “This is regulated in the Animal Welfare Act. Violations can be expensive. Hornets, for example, face a fine of up to 50,000 euros,” says Petersen-Fink. Depending on the case, resettlement by a wasp adviser costs between 70 and 120 euros, and the advice is often free.

Pay attention to the qualifications of pest controllers

Pest controllers may also remove nests under certain circumstances. “But I wouldn’t take the first one that comes along, because unfortunately there are a lot of black sheep on the market,” says Petersen-Fink. He advises paying close attention to the qualifications of the companies.

Lure wasps away from the table with grapes

Wasps fulfill an important function as pollinators and deserve our protection.

Unlike pest controllers, wasp consultants also try to allay fears. They give tips on how to deal with the Hymenoptera. Hornets, for example, the largest type of wasp, are not carnivores and therefore do not pose any danger at the garden table. Wasps can be lured away from the table with simple means. “You can set up feeding stations,” recommends Petersen-Fink. “Wasps like ripe grapes best. Just cut them in half and place them on a plate a few feet away. That distracts the wasps.”

Five tips for dealing with wasps

Do not hit or blow on the animals, this makes wasps aggressive. Cover food outside and bring it inside after the meal. Do not drink drinks directly from a glass or bottle, but rather through a straw. Offer the animals so-called distraction feeding away from the table. Avoid brightly colored clothing and perfume or scented creams, which are what the animals are attracted to.

Get wasps and hornets instead of killing them

Since wasps play an important role in nature as pollinators, it is important to preserve their nests as much as possible. Hornets also keep annoying pests at bay: According to NABU, a fully grown hornet population eats 500 grams of other insects per day – for example mosquitoes.

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Further information

In summer, wasps are often a nuisance at the dining table. What Helps Relieve Itching and Swelling After a Wasp Sting? more

In spring and summer, the number of annoying roommates in the house increases. Often simple home remedies against the pests are sufficient. more

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The Northern Report | 04/21/2023 | 3:30 p.m

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