Home » Restful sleep despite the heat: ten tips for falling asleep on hot nights

Restful sleep despite the heat: ten tips for falling asleep on hot nights

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Restful sleep despite the heat: ten tips for falling asleep on hot nights

In the current heat, many people have trouble falling asleep. Restful sleep is so important. With these ten simple tips, you can fall asleep and sleep through the summer.

Due to the high temperatures, the body, room and bed can be so hot that it is extremely difficult to fall asleep. In order to doze off as quickly as usual in the future, we have ten simple and helpful tips to deal with problems with the heat at night.

1. Chill sheets in the freezer

Before going to bed, place the duvet cover or at least the pillowcase in a bag in the freezer for ten minutes. This cools the body down pleasantly, which in turn helps to fall asleep.

2. Cover the bed with natural fibers

Being surrounded by synthetic materials makes you sweat faster and makes it harder to fall asleep. Sheets made of pure cotton or linen are the best option for summer, as the fabrics are breathable and absorb moisture.

3. Don’t sleep naked

Sleeping naked may sound logical, but a light nightgown or short pajamas (also made of cotton, linen, or silk) will keep you cool and wick moisture.

4. Don’t sleep on a full stomach

Dinner yes, also late snacks are allowed. After the last meal and going to bed there should be at least (!) an hour. The body warms up as a result of calorie intake and digestion.

5. Cool shower

Before jumping into the box, cool down quickly – not cold! – shower off. This lowers the body temperature. However, if you mean it too well, you will get your circulation going again and, you guessed it, your body overheating.

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6. Lavender can work wonders

The good, well-known lavender actually helps to fall asleep because the scent calms us down. Body oils or sprays for the pillows work wonders.

7. Hot water bottle with a difference

For once, the hot water bottle is not filled with warm water as usual, but with cold water. Take it under the covers and stay wonderfully cool.

8. Keep your distance from your partner

Sad but true: During the summer months, it is better to sleep separately, as your partner radiates heat, which in turn warms your own body and causes restless sleep.

9. Avoid alcohol

That too… If you want to get a good night’s sleep, you should avoid alcoholic beverages in the evening, as they dilate the blood vessels and make you really warm and cozy.

10. Darken the bedroom during the day

Completely darken the bedroom during the day with blinds and curtains. After sunset, open the windows to let the cool air in. Before going to bed, however, make sure to black out the windows again – the morning sun can also be treacherous.

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