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Return stress? Five tips to restart with the right spirit

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Return stress?  Five tips to restart with the right spirit

September is approaching, we’re back from vacation and bad weather reminds us that the lightness of summer is coming to an end, but don’t panic, Marie Antoinette Gulinopresident of the order of psychologists of Tuscany reveals the rules to be adopted to overcome the return stress.

1. Gradual

For Gulino there is no doubt, “the watchword must be gradual”. So don’t throw yourself headlong into work and commitments, passing from a state of relaxation and tranquility to one of frenzy, “the important thing is – in fact – a gradual return to work and everyday life”. “Remember that you are driving a car: first you engage first gear, then second, third and so on, without running” and like cars, we too need to start over in small steps, clarifies the psychologist.

2. Regain your strength

It seems paradoxical to have to rest after returning from vacation, but it’s something we’ve all experienced. How many times have we told ourselves that a vacation would be needed to recover from the one that just ended. “Post-holiday stress strikes with tiredness, poor concentration, easy irritability, insomnia” confirms the psychologist, who adds: “the high summer temperatures have compromised the rest and relaxation we needed for many. We must, therefore, take advantage of the next weekends to try to make up for breaks by paying attention to night rest.Let’s reduce the use of television, tablets and smartphones, which often make us stay indoors and hyper-concentrate and let’s keep them away from us at least an hour before going to sleep, let’s devote ourselves to reading a book, a magazine, thus helping the body-mind system to gently relax”.

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3. Dedicate time to yourself

“Returning to ‘normality’ shouldn’t preclude the possibility of still carving out spaces in the open air for walks or physical activity – Gulino recalls. We don’t have to wait months for the next holidays and find space and time for activities and hobbies that we like and gratifying: a walk with friends, a cinema, a day out of town for example”.

4. Pay attention to your diet

Maria Antonietta Gulino also recalls how “important it is to follow a correct diet and indulge in physical activity”.

5. Give yourself more time in the sun

“During holidays, on the beach or in the mountains, the body has become accustomed to sunlight and the artificial light of the office or at home can cause stress. Going from the condition of summer lightness to the frenzy of everyday life can harm psychological well-being. So let’s allow ourselves some breaks in the open air, even a few minutes or the entire lunch break, so as to stretch our legs, reactivate the circulation and rest the mind. The best way to gradually help the body change”.

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