Home » Seasonal fruit always and everywhere: that’s why you should prefer it

Seasonal fruit always and everywhere: that’s why you should prefer it

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Seasonal fruit always and everywhere: that’s why you should prefer it

Consuming 2-3 portions of fresh fruit a day is undoubtedly important for our health, but today we explain why you should always prefer seasonal foods

The fruit is an important source of fibre food, which help maintain intestinal health, and can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Has a low calorie, making it a great choice for those looking to lose weight. Finally, the fruit is rich in micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, which can help prevent disease and promote overall good health. With “seasonal fruit” we refer to that fruit that is grown and harvested following the natural seasonal rhythmsdifferent according to the type: in fact nature offers us different products every month.

Seasonal fruit is fresher and tastier

In fact, it is harvested when it is ripe and ready to be consumed. Every month of the year has its seasonal fruit, for example in April you can find deep red strawberries, very different from those we can find out of season which will certainly have a lighter color. Another aspect to consider is the gustowe think of a strawberry harvested in the height of its season, juicy, with a sweet taste with its acidic and thirst-quenching notes: nothing to do with a strawberry harvested and eaten in the autumn insipid and hard, which tastes more like a cucumber.

Seasonal fruit is richer in nutrients

Contains many vitamins, minerals, fibers and antioxidants useful for the well-being of the body. The nutrients are greater because it is harvested at the right moment of maturation and does not undergo treatments to guarantee its conservation which could alter its quality. In winter we find citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, tangerines and grapefruits, which are among the fruits richest in vitamin C which helps us strengthen the immune system and prevent colds. Summer fruits, such as apricots, peaches, plums are rich in beta-carotenes and other carotenoids, which are plant pigments with antioxidant and skin protective properties. Carotenoids promote the production of melanin, which is the pigment responsible for tanning and protecting against UV rays.

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Seasonal fruit is cheaper

The seasonal product is most abundant and available on the market: you can take advantage of the offers of local producers or farmers by buying fresh and quality fruit at affordable prices. In an area where something is produced when it is in season, the cost of food will be less than food that is transported from distant locations. In fact, the cost of transport and storage is transferred to the end customers who end up paying more.

Seasonal fruit is more ecological

Pollution due to transportation from distant countries and energy consumption for refrigeration is small compared to other imported products. Buying seasonal and local fruit makes one gesture of social and environmental responsibility. It helps to preserve biodiversity, reduce CO2 emissions and enhance the territory.

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