Home » Shake, smell: With these tricks you can recognize ripe fruit in the supermarket

Shake, smell: With these tricks you can recognize ripe fruit in the supermarket

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Shake, smell: With these tricks you can recognize ripe fruit in the supermarket

The avocado too mushy, the kiwi too hard: you can’t always see whether the fruit in the supermarket is ripe – or even overripe. FOCUS online explains how you can quickly determine the degree of ripeness of fruit.

You know that: You are standing in the fruit department or at the market and have no idea whether the avocado you want to buy is ripe enough. Even with the kiwi one is usually not quite sure. And after all, you can’t look inside. But there are a few simple tricks you can use to tell if you already have access…

Recognize ripe pineapples: smell the bottom of the flower

If you want to recognize a ripe pineapple, smell the bottom of the flower. If the smell is wonderfully fruity-sweet, the pineapple is perfect. Even if the inner leaves can be easily detached, this indicates a good degree of ripeness. On top of that, the skin can help you: it is softer on a ripe pineapple than on an unripe one, but it does not yield immediately when pressure is applied.

How do you recognize ripe bananas?

Probably most recognize unripe, ripe and overripe bananas by the color: green, yellow, brown are the steps. But actually the brown spots (not bruises) and a brown banana stalk are indications of ripeness. It is only at this point that bananas are the perfect source of energy.

Not all apples turn red

The ripeness of apples can also be recognized by their color. But don’t be fooled: not all apple varieties turn red when they are ripe. You can recognize ripe fruits by their firmness to the bite, they are nice and crunchy and the stem is firm. However, you do not need to throw away shriveled apples, they are perfect for applesauce, for example.

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Shaking helps with coconuts

If you want to identify a good coconut, shake it first. If it sounds like there is a lot of liquid in it, the fruit is fresh. Over time, the coconut dries out from the inside, which means the older it is, the less coconut water it contains.

However, you can only be absolutely sure after opening: If it tastes soapy and smells rancid, it is better to keep your hands off it.

Is the watermelon ripe yet? Two features provide an answer

Two characteristics tell you whether a watermelon is already ripe. If you hear a metallic sound when you tap the rind, the melon is still unripe. If it sounds rather dark and rich, the melon should be ripe.

In addition, you can tell from the color how mature it is. If the spots where the melon lay on the ground are slightly yellow, it’s ripe. If it is already intensely yellow, the melon is already overripe.

Always follow your nose with the mango

Also with the mango you should not trust your eyes but your nose. The color says nothing about the ripeness, but the smell is intense when the mango is ripe. In addition, a skin that gives way under pressure is an indication of a good degree of ripeness.

How to recognize ripe grapes

Grapes, on the other hand, reveal their ripeness through their color. Blue-purple grapes become darker as they ripen, while green varieties become more yellowish. The individual fruits should be nice and plump and not wrinkled.

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For galia melons, you should smell the stem

The galia melon signals that it is ripe with an intensely sweet and fruity smell at the base of the stalk. If there is still a stem left, pay attention to its colour: if it is green, the melon is still quite fresh. If it comes off easily, the melon should be ripe.

Ripe tangerines are easier to peel

We usually peel tangerines with our fingers. You can immediately see whether they have been there for a few days longer. Ripe fruits are easy to peel, if it feels as if the flesh inside is too small for the peel, then the tangerine is older and maybe not quite as fresh.

You can use the stem test to identify ripe cherries

The color of the cherry does not necessarily reveal anything about its age, some varieties redden less than others. It’s always best to buy fruit with the stem on, to make sure it’s fresh. If the stalk can then be pulled off easily, the cherry is perfect for snacking on.

Gently squeeze oranges before buying

Oranges should be lightly squeezed before you buy them. If they give a little, they are ripe. Incidentally, citrus fruits no longer ripen. So do not buy unripe fruit and hope that it will still be ripe at home. A little tip: There is more juice in heavy oranges.

Stay away from mushy avocados

Avocados, on the other hand, continue to ripen even if you buy them unripe. This is the case when the shell cannot be dented. If, on the other hand, it yields very much, the fruit will already be mushy. The base of the stalk also says something about the degree of ripeness of the avocado: if it is yellow, it is perfect, while a green base indicates an unripe fruit. If it’s dark brown, the avocado is probably overripe.

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Squeeze the peel on the kiwi

The same is the case with the kiwi, its color hardly changes during the ripening process. However, if the peel gives when you press it lightly, the fruit is ripe. When you cut it open, you can see immediately whether the kiwi is ripe because the flesh is juicy. If the kiwi is still hard and tastes sour, it is unripe.

This article was written by teleschau.

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