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“She was already dead when she was abandoned”

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Photogallery – Milan, newborn found dead in a dumpster

The woman who gave birth would be running serious risks to her health girl found lifelesson the evening of Friday 28 April, inside a used clothes bin at Milano, in the Città Studi area. She raced against time to find her mother after the first autopsy results on the baby’s body revealed that the baby was placed inside the yellow bin when she was already dead. In the next few days it will also be known whether the death occurred during childbirth or if her baby was already dead when she was born. In any case, the mother should not be in good health and her position, during the investigation, could even “lighten”.

The first results of the autopsy on the body of the baby found dead in Milan Therefore, the hypothesis that the newborn girl found lifeless in a bin for the collection of used clothes in Milan is growing more and more
stillborn. And the first results of the autopsy would point in this direction.

But, in the meantime, the investigators of the Homicide section of the Mobile squad, coordinated by prosecutor Paolo Storari who have opened a file for infanticide at the moment against unknown persons, pending more in-depth anatomopathological examinations, the results of which will only arrive in the next few hours, continue looking for the mother and who may have left that little girl in the dumpster in the Città Studi area.

Also because, according to reports
The Corriere della Sera“precisely in the light of the outcome of the autopsy examination,
fears for the mother’s health grow: the death of the fetus could be linked to a serious pathology of the woman and there is the danger that she is exposed to bleeding or postpartum infections”.

The appeal to the mother Thus the investigations continue to trace the mother and who may have helped her in those hours after the birth. The investigators view the video surveillance cameras in the area and launch a direct appeal to the woman or to both parents and to whoever can find out more. They hypothesize that they are moving in a context of great hardship and desperation, in which a woman has decided to give birth at home without health care.

Thus if the daughter was stillborn, the mother may have suffered a shock and made the desperate decision to abandon the baby on the street.

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