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Shower alarm: the 5 things to absolutely avoid | Maximum attention

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Shower alarm: the 5 things to absolutely avoid |  Maximum attention

5 common habits put your health at risk in the shower and you must avoid them immediately.

Taking a shower is something absolutely banal and daily. Yet there are five mistakes that would be better avoided because they hide unsuspected pitfalls. Personal hygiene matters a lot and the shower is a friend of hygiene precisely because it allows us to wash ourselves more quickly than in the bathtub. It is a real relaxing ritual and yet mistakes and risks are not lacking and instead of benefiting the body it could create problems for us.

Common mistakes during the shower that we must avoid in order not to take risks – grantennistoscana.it

Il Daily Mail listed five errors very widespread that should instead be carefully avoided because there is a risk of transforming this relaxing moment into something potentially harmful to our health. These are widespread and repetitive habits and gestures. The fact that we do them practically every time multiplies the risks, effectively creating one harmful routine that with this article we invite you to break.

Wash your face during the shower

A first habit that almost everyone has and which is wrong is that of wash your face while taking a shower. It may seem like a great idea because you do two things together. We are always in a hurry due to work and the thousand commitments of daily life and therefore take advantage of the moment of the shower to wash our face too it may seem like a way to reduce time yet the heat of the water as well as the pressure are not good for our face.

Better to avoid washing your face in the shower: you save time but age your skin – grantennistoscana.it

The heat is a real enemy of the capillaries and in the long run washing your face underneath the jet of the shower and the hot water can go to make the capillaries visible on the cheeks and will also strip the skin of natural protective oils. This habit only makes the skin drier and also makes wrinkles more likely to form. According to the experts, the face should be washed with warm water simply in the bathroom sink. Surely more time will be lost but skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles will be delayed.

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Sponge to avoid and let’s not forget the cleaning of the feet

Another mistake to definitely avoid is that of use the sponge. Spongeing down your body might seem like a healthy habit to keep it clean. Instead, experts point out how dead skin cells get stuck in its porous structure. The sponge also always remains moist and therefore the mixture of dead skin cells and moisture is an ideal habitat for bacteria and fungi.

Basically when we rub the sponge on the body, we are coming into contact with harmful substances that should definitely be avoided. Simply using your hands to scrub your skin is a much more hygienic way to wash yourself. Another mistake is to neglect foot hygiene. When you take a shower, you focus more on your hair, underarms and back.

Leaving your feet out and using the sponge are habits to avoid – grantennistoscana.it

We are all convinced that feet being in contact with water will essentially clean themselves automatically. Instead the feet due to their natural tendency to develop bad smells and fungi they would need a very special cleansing and specify. So after taking a shower you need to dry your toes thoroughly but even under the jet of water you need to dedicate more time and care to our lower extremities. After finishing it would be a good idea to disinfect the shower tray, in fact this is exactly how fungi can spread within a family.

Water hardness and razor

Another problem can be represented by the strong water hardness. Salts are dissolved in the aqueduct water and this is physiological. Often, however, the amount of salts present (which is defined as hardness) is too high and this is not good for the skin. Better to use a filter to lower the hardness of the water: it could be a good idea to prevent impurities from damaging the skin especially in the long term.

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Water hardness is not good for us and we can lower it with special filters – grantennistoscana.it

Many use the razor in the shower but if you leave it in a damp area it could develop bacteria and fungi. The risk then is that of infecting the skin with each use. If we leave a blade in the shower in such a humid environment, the development of bacteria and fungi can be important and then they will come into contact with skin wounds which we will naturally provoke by shaving. Experts advise that once every 15 days it would be best to cleanse the razor by holding it for about 5-10 minutes in bleach or diluted vinegar. A small and simple habit which, however, can avoid major problems.

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