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Sleep apnea: symptoms, causes and remedies

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Sleep apnea: symptoms, causes and remedies

Sleep apnea, or Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA), is a respiratory disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of stopped breathing during sleep.

This happens because the upper airways become partially or completely blocked, preventing the passage of air.

During an apnea episode, the airflow is blocked due to the collapse of the airway walls or the tongue falling back. This can lead to a decrease in blood oxygen and an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. When the brain senses that oxygen is low or that carbon dioxide is rising, it sends a signal to briefly wake the person with apnea, so that the airways open and breathing resumes. Often these awakenings are so brief that the person is not even aware of them.

Of course, it is a medical disorder that requires proper diagnosis and treatment.

Sleep disturbances: development of sleep apnea

Sleep apneas do not permanently block the flow of oxygen, however it is important to control them as they can cause serious complications. Obstructive sleep apnea, characterized by periodic interruptions of breathing during sleep, can have significant consequences on health and quality of life.

Sleep disturbances: symptoms, causes and remedies

The main symptoms

The most common symptoms of sleep apnea, or sleep apnea, include:

  1. Loud and interrupted snoring: People with sleep apnea often snore loudly, and the snoring can be interrupted by long periods of silence, followed by wheezing or sighing.
  2. Breathing interruptions during sleep: During sleep, there may be pauses in breathing that can last for a few seconds up to a minute. These interruptions may be followed by brief awakenings or sighs to resume breathing.
  3. Daytime sleepiness and fatigue: Because of frequent sleep interruptions, people with sleep apnea may feel tired, fatigued, and sleepy during the day. They may also have trouble concentrating, memory problems, and irritability.
  4. Frequent awakenings during the night: People with sleep apnea may wake up multiple times during the night for no apparent reason. These awakenings can be brief and not remembered in the morning.
  5. Dry mouth and headache upon waking: Due to breathing interruptions, dry air can cause dry mouth upon waking. Some people may also experience headaches in the morning.
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The most common causes

The causes of sleep apnea can vary from person to person, but the main causes include:

  1. Airway obstruction: The most common cause of sleep apnea is physical obstruction to airflow, usually caused by the collapse of the upper airway walls. This may be due to factors such as excess weight, obesity, decreased muscle tone in the airways or anatomical abnormalities of the airways.
  2. Overproduction of tonsil tissue or adenoids: Enlarged tonsils and adenoids can block the airways during sleep, causing sleep apnea, especially in children.
  3. Airway structural abnormalities: Some people may have anatomical abnormalities that obstruct airflow, such as a deviated nasal septum, a retracted jaw, or an enlarged tongue.
  4. Genetic factors: Sleep apnea can be influenced by genetic factors, and a familial tendency has been observed for the disorder to occur.
  5. Lifestyle and environmental factors: Obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and taking sedative medications can increase the risk of sleep apnea.
sleep apnea
Sleep apnea: how to manage this disorder

The remedies

There are several remedies for sleep apnea, and the treatment depends on the severity of the disorder and the specific causes in the individual, but the main ones used could be:

  1. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy: CPAP is the first-line treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea. It consists of the use of a mask that is worn during sleep and which supplies a flow of air at a constant pressure to keep the airways open. CPAP prevents breathing interruptions and can significantly reduce sleep apnea symptoms.
  2. Advanced Mandible Devices (MAD): MADs are oral appliances that are worn while you sleep and help keep the airways open by moving the jaw forward. This widening of the airway space can prevent blockages and reduce sleep apnea symptoms.
  3. Lingual retention devices: These devices help prevent the tongue from collapsing back by keeping the airways open. They usually consist of an artificial tongue or rod that is placed in the mouth during sleep.
  4. Weight loss: If your sleep apnea is caused by obesity or being overweight, weight loss can significantly reduce your symptoms. A diet and exercise program supervised by a health professional can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  5. Surgery: In some cases, when other treatment options fail or sleep apnea is caused by anatomical abnormalities, surgery may be considered. This may involve removal of the tonsils and adenoids, correction of nasal septal deviations, or other interventions aimed at removing physical airway obstructions.
  6. Lifestyle changes: Some lifestyle changes could help reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. These may include avoiding alcohol and sedatives before bed, giving up smoking, avoiding sleeping positions that promote airway obstruction (such as sleeping on your back), and adopting a regular sleep routine.
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