Home » Sofia Sacchitelli, the 23-year-old with heart cancer, a symbol of the fight against rare diseases, has died

Sofia Sacchitelli, the 23-year-old with heart cancer, a symbol of the fight against rare diseases, has died

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Sofia Sacchitelli, the 23-year-old with heart cancer, a symbol of the fight against rare diseases, has died

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She’s dead Sofia Sacchitelli23 year old Genoese affected by a rare cardiac angiosarcoma. Sofia, a fifth-year medical student, had decided to found theSofia association in the heart after she was diagnosed with the disease.

Sofia nel cuore’s goal is to carry out a scientific research project to improve the quality of care and expand the therapeutic offer for patients suffering from this disease. The president of the Liguria region John Toti and the Regional Council have expressed deep condolences for the passing of Sofia, and are rallying around the family in this moment of pain, as reported in a note.

On the occasion of March 8, International Women’s Dayher sister Ilaria had taken part in the non-stop marathon organized by the Liguria Region, recounting her sister’s commitment, offering her testimony as a woman and speaking of the work that her sister carried out for the development of the company.

The family decided to hold the funeral privately. Wednesday 29 March, at 18, a Genoa Albaroat the church of Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù e San Pietro Apostolo there will be a mass open to the public.

Cardiac angiosarcoma was diagnosed about a year ago. In her last few weeks, her health conditions have worsened and her commitment has been continued by her family members, in particular by her sister Ilaria, who withdrew the gold medal of merit awarded for the first time by theUniversity of Genoa to a student precisely for her commitment to raising funds to support research.

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What is cardiac angiosarcoma?

Cardiac angiosarcoma is a type of very rare malignancy which develops in the cells of the blood vessels of the heart. It is a very aggressive form of cancer and is often diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Symptoms of cardiac angiosarcoma can include chest pain, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, leg swelling, and weight loss. However, these symptoms may be nonspecific and may be confused with other cardiac or respiratory diseases.

Cardiac angiosarcoma can occur anywhere in the heart and is difficult to diagnose, as there are no specific tests for this disease. Treatment of cardiac angiosarcoma involves surgical removal of the tumor, followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, the prognosis for this disease is very poor, as it is difficult to diagnose early and is often diagnosed when it is already in an advanced stage. Cardiac angiosarcoma is a rare disease and its incidence is estimated at about 2-3 cases per million inhabitants per year.

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