Home » Sorge/Rüddel: Digitization in the healthcare system not very ambitious

Sorge/Rüddel: Digitization in the healthcare system not very ambitious

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Sorge/Rüddel: Digitization in the healthcare system not very ambitious

CDU/CSU – parliamentary group

Berlin (ots)

The Federal Minister of Health presented his digitization strategy for the healthcare system today, Thursday. The health policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Tino Sorge, and the responsible rapporteur Erwin Rüddel explain:

Tino Sorge: “The planned complete nationalization of gematik – the national agency for digital medicine – is the final break with the previous shareholders, the doctors and health insurance companies. These of all people should be left out of future digital tools, even though they are the actual users continues on its way in digitization to shut out key players in healthcare.

As far as the research data center is concerned, the SPD is practicing double standards: Now they want to make it easier for the research industry to access data, although they have always prevented precisely this demand from the Union faction in the grand coalition.”

Erwin Rüddel: “The planned digitization strategy of the Minister of Health is not particularly ambitious. The electronic patient file should not be set up for everyone until the end of 2024. Modern technologies such as artificial intelligence are not included. The planned reorganization of responsibilities in data protection is target-oriented. It is all the more important that the laws that have been announced will now be introduced quickly so that the announcements do not end again.”

Background: The CDU/CSU parliamentary group represents the mainstream parties in parliament and feels committed to freedom, cohesion and personal responsibility. On the basis of the Christian image of man, the Union faction is committed to a strong, free and democratic constitutional state, the social and ecological market economy, integration into the western community of values ​​and the unification of Europe. Friedrich Merz is the chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag.

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Press contact:

CDU/CSU – parliamentary group
press office
Phone: (030) 227-53015
Fax: (030) 227-56660
Internet: http://www.cducsu.de
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: CDU/CSU – parliamentary group, transmitted by news aktuell

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